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in Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation: Publications |
A No Free Lunch Tutorial: Sharpened and Focused No Free Lunch
D. Whitley and J. Rowe
Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics: Foundations and Recent Developments
A. Auger and B. Doerr, eds., pp: 255-288, World Scientific.
Slides: Practical Guidelines for Evolutionary Algorithms
Darrell Whitley
CEC Tutorial in PDF
An Overview of Evolutionary Algorithms
Darrell Whitley
Journal of Information and Software Technology 43:817-831, 2001.
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A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial
Darrell Whitley
Statistics and Computing (4):65-85, 1994.
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Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks
Darrell Whitley
Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science.
Winter, Periaux, Galan and Cuesta, eds. pp: 203-216, John Wiley, 1995.
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Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing
Darrell Whitley
Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia 2002.
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Examining the Role of Local Optima
and Schema Processing in Genetic Search
Soraya Rana, 1999
[ 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 ]
Optimal Security Hardening on Attack Tree Models of Networks: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Rinku Dewri, Indrajit Ray, Nayot Poolsappasit, and D. Whitley
International Journal of Information Security, in press.
Utility Driven Optimization of Real Time Data Broadcast Schedules
Rinku Dewri, Indrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray, and D. Whitley
Applied Soft Computing, in press.
Computing the Moments of k-Bounded Pseudo-Boolean Functions over Hamming Spheres of Arbitrary Radius in
Polynomial Time
A. M. Sutton, D. Whitley, and A. Howe
Theoretical Computer Science, 425:58-74.
An Empirical Evaluation of O(1) Steepest Descent for NK-Landscapes
D. Whitley, W. Chen, and A. Howe
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference (PPSN 12), Springer.
Improving Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun with Crossover on Clustered Instances of the TSP
D. Hains, D. Whitley, and A. Howe
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference (PPSN 12), Springer.
Quasi-Elementary Landscapes and Superpositions of Elementary Landscapes
D. Whitley and F. Chicano
Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (LION-2012).
A Methodology to Find the Elementary Landscape Decomposition of Combinatorial Optimization Problems
F. Chicano, D. Whitley, and E. Alba
Evolutionary Computation, 19(4):597-637.
Elementary Landscape Decomposition of the Frequency Assignment Problem
F. Chicano, D. Whitley, E. Alba, and F. Luna
Theoretical Computer Science, 412(43,7):6002-6019.
Exploring Privacy versus Data Quality Trade-offs in Anonymization using Multi-objective Optimization
Rinku Dewri, Indrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray, and D. Whitley
Journal of Computer Security, 19(5):pp. 935-974.
k-Anonymization in the Presence of Publisher Preferences
Rinku Dewri, Indrakshi Ray, Indrajit Ray, and D. Whitley
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 23(11):1678-1690.
Exploiting Decomposability Using Recombination in Genetic Algorithms
D. Whitley
Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering, (Invited Paper).
Quasi-Elementary Landscapes
D. Whitley
Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA-2011), (Invited
Constant Time Steepest Descent Local Search with Lookahead for NK-Landscapes and MAX-kSAT
D. Whitley and W. Chen
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2011), ACM Press.
Exact Computation of the Expectation Curves for Uniform Crossover
F. Chicano, D. Whitley, and E. Alba
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2011), ACM Press.
Approximating the Distribution of Fitness over Hamming Regions
A. M. Sutton, D. Whitley, and A. E. Howe
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms Conference (FOGA 2011), ACM Press.
Mutation Rates of the (1+1)EA on Pseudo-Boolean Functions of Bounded Epistasis
A. M. Sutton, D. Whitley, and A. E. Howe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2011), ACM Press.
Partial Neighborhoods of the Traveling Salesman Problem
D. Whitley and G. Ochoa
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2011), ACM Press.
Revisiting the Big Valley Search Space Structure for the TSP
D. Hains, D. Whitley, and A. Howe
Journal of the Operations Research Society, 62:305-312.
Real Time Stochastic Scheduling in Broadcast Systems with Decentralized Data Storage
Rinku Dewri, D. Whitley, Indrakshi Ray, and Indrajit Ray
Real Time Systems, 45(3):143-175.
Adaptive Appearance Model and Condensation Algorithm for Robust Face Tracking
Yui Man Lui, J. R. Beveridge, and L. D. Whitley
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and
Humans, 40(3):437-448.
A No Free Lunch Tutorial: Sharpened and Focused No Free Lunch
D. Whitley and J. Rowe
Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics: Foundations and Recent Developments
A. Auger and B. Doerr, eds., pp: 255-288, World Scientific.
Elementary Landscapes of Frequency Assignment Problems
D. Whitley, F. Chicano, E. Alba, and F. Luna
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2010), ACM Press.
Directed Plateau Search for MAX-k-SAT
A. M. Sutton, A. E. Howe, and L. D. Whitley
Third Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SOCS)
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem using Generalized Partition Crossover
D. Whitley, D. Hains, and A. Howe
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 10), Springer.
Historical k-Anonymous Anonymity Sets in an Continuous LPS
R. Dewri, I. Ray, I. Ray, and D. Whitley
International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2010)
(Acceptance Rate:0.25)
On the Indentification of Property Based Generalization in Microdata Anonymization
R. Dewri, I. Ray, I. Ray, and D. Whitley
24th IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (DBSec), pp.81-96.
(Acceptance Rate:0.30)
Query m-Invariance: Preventing Query Disclosures in Continuous Location-Based Services
R. Dewri, I. Ray, I. Ray, and D. Whitley
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), pp. 95-104.
(Acceptance Rate:0.25)
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization in Statistical Disclosure Control
R. Dewri, Ij. Ray, Ik. Ray, and D. Whitley
Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Privacy Protection and Security
Imperial College Press.
On the Comparison of Microdata Disclosure Control Algorithms
R. Dewri, IJ Ray, IK Ray, and D. Whitley
12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology
POkA: Identifying Pareto-Optimal k-Anonymous Nodes in a Domain Hierarchy Lattice.
R. Dewri, IJ Ray, IK Ray, and D. Whitley
18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ACM Press.
A Multi-Objective Approach to Data Sharing with Privacy Constraints and Preference Based Objectives
R. Dewri, D. Whitley, IJ Ray, and IK Ray
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), ACM Press.
Tunneling Between Optima: the Partition Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem
D. Whitley, D. Hains, and A. Howe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), ACM Press.
Best Paper Award, Genetic Algorithms Track
Partial Neighbors of Elementary Landscapes
D. Whitley and A. M. Sutton
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), ACM Press.
A Polynomial Time Computation of the Exact Correlation Structure of k-Satisfiability Landscapes
A. M. Sutton, L. D. Whitley, and A. E. Howe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009), ACM Press.
A Theoretical Analysis of the k-Satisfiability Search Space
A. M. Sutton, A. E. Howe, and L. D. Whitley
Proceedings of the Stochastic Local Search Workshop, LNCS, 5752:46-60, Springer.
Estimating Bounds on Expected Plateau Size in MAXSAT Problems
A. M. Sutton, A. E. Howe, and L. D. Whitley
Proceedings of the Stochastic Local Search Workshop, LNCS, 5752:31-45, Springer.
Resource Scheduling with Permutation Based Representations
D. Whitley, Andrew Sutton, Adele Howe, and Laura Barbulescu
Evolutionary Computation in Practice
L. Davis and T. Wu, eds., Springer.
Calibration of Liquid Crystal Ultrafast Pulse Shaper with Common-path Spectral Interferometry and Application
to Coherent Control with a CMA Evolutionary Strategy
Jesse Wilson, Philip Schlup, Monte Lunacek, Darrell Whitley, and Randy Bartels
Review of Scientific Instruments, 79(3):033103-5.
Optimizing Real-Time Ordered-Data Broadcasts in Pervasive Environments Using Evolution Strategy
R. Dewri, Ik. Ray, Ij. Ray, and D. Whitley
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference (PPSN-2008), Springer.
A Novel Appearance Model and Adaptive Condensation Algorithm for Human Face Tracking
Y. M. Lui, J. R. Beveridge, and L. D. Whitley
IEEE Second International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems
Optimizing On-Demand Data Broadcast Scheduling in Pervasive Environments
R. Dewri, IK Ray, and D. Whitley
11th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT)
On the Optimal Selection of k in the k-Anonymity Problem
R. Dewri, IJ Ray, IK Ray, and D. Whitley
22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
Understanding Elementary Landscapes
D. Whitley, A. M. Sutton, and A. Howe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2008), ACM Press.
Focused No Free Lunch Theorems
D. Whitley and A. Howe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2008), ACM Press.
The Impact of Global Structure on Search
M. Lunacek, D. Whitley, and A. M. Sutton
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference (PPSN 2008), Springer.
Winner Best Student Paper Award
Security Provisioning in Pervasive Environments Using Multi-objective Optimization
R. Dewri, IK Ray, IJ Ray, and D. Whitley
13th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)
Optimizing Real-Time Ordered-Data Broadcasts in Pervasive Environments Using Evolution Strategy
R. Dewri, IK Ray, IJ Ray, and D. Whitley
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference (PPSN 2008), Springer.
On the Variance of Rank-Based Selection Strategies for Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming
Artem Sokolov, Andre Barreto, and Darrell Whitley
Genetic Programming and Evolving Machines, 8(3):221-237.
Differential Evolution and Non-Separability: Using Selective Pressure to Focus Search
A. M. Sutton, M. Lunacek, and D. Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007), pp:1428-1435, ACM Press.
Evolution Strategies for Matching Active Appearance Models to Human Faces
Y. M. Lui, J. R. Beveridge, A. E. Howe, and L. D. Whitley
First Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems
Honorable Mention Best Student Paper
Using Adaptive Priority Weighting to Direct Search in Probabilistic Scheduling
A. M. Sutton, A. E. Howe, and L. D. Whitley
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
Optimal Security Hardening Using Multi-objective Optimization on Attack Tree Models of Networks
R. Dewri, N. Poolsappasit, IJ Ray, and D. Whitley
14th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
Algorithm Performance Factors for an Oversubscribed Scheduling Application
L. Barbulescu, A. E. Howe, L. D. Whitley, and M. Roberts
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 27:577-615.
Subthreshold Seeking Local Search
D. Whitley and J. Rowe
Theoretical Computer Science, 361:2-17.
Deconstructing Nowicki and Smutnicki's i-TSAB Tabu Search Algorithm for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
J. P. Watson, A. E. Howe, and L. D. Whitley
Computers and Operations Research, Anniversary Focused Issue on Tabu Search, 33(9):2623-2644.
AFSCN Scheduling: How the Problem and the Solution Have Evolved.
L. Barbulescu, A. E. Howe, and D. Whitley
Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 43(9/10):1023-1037.
Alternative Evolutionary Algorithms for Evolving Programs
D. Whitley, M. Richards, J. R. Beveridge, and A. Barreto
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp:919-926, ACM Press.
Best Paper Award, GP Track
The Dispersion Metric and the CMA Evolution Strategy
M. Lunacek and D. Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp:477-484, ACM Press.
PSO and Multi-Funnel Landscapes: How Cooperation Might Limit Exploration
A. M. Sutton, D. Whitley, M. Lunacek, and A. Howe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp:75-82, ACM Press.
Nominated for Best Paper Award
A Crossover Operator for the K-anonymity Problem
M. Lunacek, D. Whitley, and IK Ray
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp:1713-1720, ACM Press.
Comparing the Niches of CMA-ES, CHC and Pattern Search Using Diverse Benchmarks
D. Whitley, M. Lunacek, and A. Sokolov
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference (PPSN 2006), Springer.
Searching for Balance: Understanding Self-Adaptation on Ridge Functions
M. Lunacek and D. Whitley
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference (PPSN 2006), Springer.
Evolving Cooperative Strategies for UAV Teams
M. Richards, D. Whitley, J. R. Beveridge, T. Mytkovicz, D. Nguyen, and D. Rome
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2005), ACM Press.
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Unbiased Tournament Selection
A. Sokolov and D. Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2005), ACM Press.
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Dynamic Power Minimization During Combinational Circuit Testing as a Traveling Salesman Problem
A. Sokolov, A. Sanyal, D. Whitley, and Y. K. Malaiya
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2005), IEEE Press.
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Random Walks and Neighborhood Bias in Oversubscribed Scheduling
M. Roberts, D. Whitley, A. Howe, and L. Barbulescu
Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA-2005)
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Modeling Local Search: A First Step Toward Understanding Hill-climbing Search in Oversubscribed Scheduling
M. Roberts, A. E. Howe, and L. D. Whitley
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS-05)
Student Poster Paper
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Gray, Binary and Real Valued Encodings: Quad Search and Locality Proofs
D. Whitley and J. Rowe
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA): Eighth International Workshop, LNCS 3469, pp:21-36.
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Measuring Mobility and the Performance of Global Search Algorithms
M. Lunacek, D. Whitley, and J. Knight
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2005), ACM Press.
Nominated for Best Paper Award
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Complexity Theory and the No Free Lunch Theorem
D. Whitley and J. P. Watson
Search Methodologies E. Burke and G. Kendall, eds., Springer.
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Scheduling Space-Ground Communications for the Air Force Satellite Control Network
L. Barbulescu, J. P. Watson, D. Whitley, and A. Howe
Journal of Scheduling. To Appear.
Properties of Gray and Binary Representations
J. Rowe, D. Whitley, L. Barbulescu, and J. P. Watson
Evolutionary Computation, 12(1):47-76.
Trading Places: How to Schedule More in a Multi-Resource Oversubscribed Scheduling Problem
L. Barbulescu, A. Howe, D. Whitley, and M. Roberts
International Conference on Planning and Scheduling
Runner up for Best Student Paper Award.
Leap Before You Look: An Effective Strategy in an Oversubscribed Scheduling Problem
L. Barbulescu, A. Howe, and D. Whitley
Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 04)
Applying Search Algorithms to the Temperature Inversion Problem
M. Lunacek, D. Whitley, P. Gabriel, and G. Stephens
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2004)
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SubThreshold Seeking Behavior and Robust Local Search
D. Whitley, J. Rowe, and K. Bush
Genetic and Evolutionary Compuation Conference (GECCO 2004)
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Ruffled by Ridges: How Evolutionary Algorithms Can Fail
D. Whitley, M. Lunacek, and J. Knight
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2004)
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Problem Difficulty for Tabu Search in Job-Shop Scheduling
Jean-Paul Watson, J. Christopher Beck, Adele E. Howe, and L. Darrell Whitley
Artificial Intelligence, 143(2). February 2003.
Preprint: PDF
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Hyperplane Ranking, Nonlinearity and the Simple Genetic Algorithm
D. Whitley, R. Heckendorn, and S. Rana
Information Sciences, 156:123-145.
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Quad Search and Hybrid Genetic Algorithms
D. Whitley, D. Garrett, and J. P. Watson
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2003), pp:1469-1480.
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An Analysis of Interated Local Search for Job-Shop Scheduling
J. P. Watson, A. Howe, and D. Whitley
Fifth Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2003)
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A Dynamic Model of Tabu Search for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
J. P. Watson, D. Whitley, and A. Howe
First Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2003)
Received Best Paper Award.
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Contrasting Structured and Random Permutation Flow-Shop Scheduling Problems:
Search Space Topology and Algorithm Performance
Jean-Paul Watson, Laura Barbulescu, L.
Darrell Whitley, and Adele E. Howe
Preprint: PDF
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Satellite Range Scheduling: A Comparison of Genetic, Heuristic and Local Search
Laura Barbulescu, Adele E. Howe, Jean-Paul Watson, and L. Darrell Whitley
Seventh International Conference on Parallel Problem-Solving From Nature (PPSN-VII)
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Testing, Evaluation and Performance of Optimization and Learning Systems
D. Whitley, J. P. Watson, A. Howe and L. Barbulescu
Keynote Address: Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacturing
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Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing
Darrell Whitley
Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia 2002
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Augmented Geophysical Data Interpretation through Automated Velocity Picking in
Semblance Velocity Images
R. Beveridge, C. Ross, D. Whitley, and B. Fish
Machine Vision and Applications Journal, 13:141-148.
Satellite Range Scheduling: A Comparison of Genetic, Heuristic and Local Search
L. Barbulescu, A. Howe, J. P. Watson, and D. Whitley
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 7 (PPSN), pp:611-620.
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The No Free Lunch and Problem Description Length
C. Schumacher, M. Vose, and D. Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2001), pp:565-570.
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Convergence Results for High Precision Gray Codes
Darrell Whitley, Laura Barbulescu, and Jean-Paul Watson
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms Conference 2001 (FOGA-6), pp:295-311.
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Toward an Understanding of Local Search in Job-Shop Scheduling
Jean-Paul Watson, J. Christopher Beck, Adele E. Howe, and L. Darrell
In Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Planning (ECP-01)
Winner of the PLANET Prize for Research Excellence
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An Overview of Evolutionary Algorithms
D. Whitley
Journal of Information and Software Technology, 43:817-831.
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Local Search and High Precision Gray Codes: Convergence Results and Neighborhoods
D. Whitley, L. Barbulescu, and J. P. Watson
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms Conference 2001 (FOGA-6)
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Functions as Permutations: Implications for No Free Lunch, Walsh Analysis and Statistics
Darrell Whitley
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference (PPSN-2000), pp:169-178.
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A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem
Manuel Vazquez and L. Darrell Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), pp:169-178.
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A Comparison of Genetic Algorithms for the Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problem
Manuel Vazquez and L. Darrell Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), pp:1011-1018.
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A Comparison of Genetic Algorithms for the Static Job Shop Scheduling Problem.
Manuel Vazquez and L. Darrell Whitley
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature Conference 2000 (PPSN VI), pp:303-312.
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Dynamic Representations and Escaping Local Optima: Improving Genetic Algorithms and Local Search
Laura Barbulescu, Jean-Paul Watson, and Darrell Whitley
Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2000), pp: 879-884.
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A Free Lunch Proof for Gray versus Binary Encodings
Darrell Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-1999), pp:726-733.
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Polynomial Time Summary Statistics for a Generalization of MAXSAT
Robert Heckendorn, Soraya Rana, and Darrell Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-1999), pp:281-288.
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The Distributional Biases of Crossover Operators
Soraya Rana
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-1999)
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A Performance Assessment of Modern Niching Methods for Parameter Optimization Problems
Jean-Paul Watson
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-1999)
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Genetic Approach to Feature Selection for Ensemble Creation
Cesar Guerra-Salcedo and Darrell Whitley
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-1999), pp:236-243
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Fast and Accurate Feature Selection Using Hybrid Genetic Strategies
C. Guerra-Salcedo, Stephen Chen, D. Whitley, and S. Smith
Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-1999)
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The Impact of Approximate Evaluation on the Performance of Search Algorithms for Warehouse Scheduling
Jean-Paul Watson, Soraya Rana, L. Darrell Whitley, and Adele E. Howe
Journal of Scheduling, Volume 2, 79-98. 1999.
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Algorithm Performance and Problem Structure for Flow-shop Scheduling
Jean-Paul Watson, Laura Barbulescu, Adele E. Howe, and L. Darrell Whitley
16th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99). 1999.
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Feature Selection Mechanisms for Ensemble Creation: A Genetic Search Perspective
Cesar Guerra-Salcedo and Darrell Whitley
AAAI-99 and GECCO-99 Workshop on Data Mining with Evolutionary Algorithms: Research Directions
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Walsh Functions and Predicting Problem Complexity
R. B. Heckendorn and D. Whitley
Evolutionary Computation.
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Genetic Algorithm Behavior in the MAXSAT Domain
S. Rana and D. Whitley
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN-V).
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The Traveling Salesrep Problem, Edge Assembly Crossover, and 2-opt
J. P. Watson, C. Ross, V. Eisele, J. Denton, J. Bins, C. Guerra, D. Whitley, and A. Howe
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN-V).
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A Tractable Walsh Analysis of SAT and its Implications for Genetic Algorithms
S. Rana, R. B. Heckendorn and D. Whitley
AAAI-98.1998. Nominated for a Best Paper Award.
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Representation Issues in Neighborhood Search and Evolutionary Algorithms
D. Whitley, S. Rana and R. B. Heckendorn
Genetic Algorithms and Evolution Strategies in Engineering and Computer Science.
D. Quagliarella, J. Periaux, C. Poloni and G. Winter, eds. pp: 39-57, Wiley, 1998.
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Genetic Search for Feature Subset Selection
C. Guerra-Salcedo and D. Whitley
Symposium on Genetic Algorithms (SGA-98)
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Comparing Heuristic Search Methods and Genetic Algorithms for Warehouse Scheduling
L. D. Whitley, A. E. Howe, S. Rana, J. P. Watson, and L. Barbulescu
Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1998.
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Search, Binary Representations, and Counting Optima
S. Rana and D. Whitley
Proceeding of a workshop on Evolutionary
Algorithms. Sponsored by the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
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Island Model Genetic Algorithms and Linearly Separable Problems
D. Whitley, S. Rana, and R. B. Heckendorn
Proceedings of the AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computation (1997).
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Representation, Search, and Genetic Algorithms
D. Whitley and S. Rana
14th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97). AAAI Press/MIT Press.
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A Walsh Analysis of NK-Landscapes
R. B. Heckendorn and D. Whitley
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (1997).T. Baeck, ed. Morgan Kaufmann.
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Messy Genetic Algorithms for Subset Feature Selection
D. Whitley, R. Beveridge, C. Guerra, and C. Graves
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (1997). T. Baeck, ed. Morgan Kaufmann.
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Bit Representations with a Twist
S. Rana and D. Whitley
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (1997). T. Baeck, ed. Morgan Kaufmann.
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Walsh Functions and Predicting Problem Complexity
R. B. Heckendorn
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (1997).
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Nonlinearity, Hyperplane Ranking and the Simple Genetic Algorithm
R. B. Heckendorn, D. Whitley, and S. Rana
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 1997 (FOGA 4) Belew and Vose, eds. Morgan Kaufmann,
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Evaluating Evolutionary Algorithms
D. Whitley, K. Mathias, S. Rana, and J. Dzubera
Artificial Intelligence Volume 85, pp. 245-2761, 1996.
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Searching in the presence of Noise
S. Rana, D. Whitley, and R. Cogswell
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 1996 (PPSN-4)
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Comparing Heuristic, Evolutionary and Local Search Approaches to Scheduling
D. Whitley, S. Rana, A. Howe, and K. Mathias
Third Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems Conference (AIPS-96)
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A Comparison between Cellular Encoding and Direct Encoding for Genetic Neural Networks
F. Gruau, D. Whitley, and L. Pyeatt
Genetic Programming: Proc. 1st Annual Conference 1996.
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An Empirical Evaluation of Genetic Algorithms on Noisy Objective Functions
K. Mathias, D. Whitley, T. Kusuma, and C. Stork
Genetic Algorithms for Pattern Recognition S.K. Pal, ed. pp: 65-86. CRC Press, 1996.
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A Review of Simple and Cellular Genetic Algorithms
D. Whitley
Applications of Modern Heuristic Methods. V. J. Rayward-Smith, ed. pp: 55-67, Alfred Waller, 1995.
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Modeling Simple Genetic Algorithms for Permutation Problems
D. Whitley and N. Yoo
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 1995 (FOGA-3) D. Whitley and M. Vose, eds. Morgan Kaufmann,
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Test Driving Three 1995 Genetic Algorithms: New Test Functions and Geometric Matching
D. Whitley, R. Beveridge, C. Graves, and K. Mathias
Journal on Heuristics, 1:77-104. 1995.
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Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks
Darrell Whitley
Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science.
Winter, Periaux, Galan and Cuesta, eds. pp: 203-216, Wiley, 1995.
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Modeling Hybrid Genetic Algorithms
Darrell Whitley
Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science.
Winter, Periaux, Galan and Cuesta, eds. pp: 191-201, Wiley, 1995.
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Building Better Test Functions
D. Whitley, K. Mathias, S. Rana, and J. Dzubera
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. Eshelman, ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995.
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Hyperplane Ranking in Simple Genetic Algorithms
D. Whitley, K. Mathias, and L. Pyeatt
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. Eshelman, ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995.
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Cellular Encoding Applied to Neurocontrol
D. Whitley, F. Gruau, and L. Pyeatt
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. Eshelman, ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995.
Gzipped Postscript
A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial
Statistics and Computing Volume 4, pp. 65-85, 1994.
Larmarckian Evolution, The Baldwin Effect and Function Optimization
D. Whitley, S. Gordon, and K. Mathias
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN III). Y. Davidor, H.-P. Schwefel and
R. Manner, eds. pp. 6-15. Springer-Verlag, 1994.
Advance Correlation Analysis of Operators for the Traveling Salesman Problems
D. Whitley and J. Dzubera
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN III). Y. Davidor, H.-P. Schwefel and
R. Manner, eds. pp. 68-77. Springer-Verlag, 1994.
Transforming the Search Space with Gray Coding
K. Mathias and D. Whitley
IEEE Conf. on Evolutionary Computation. Volume 1. pp: 513-518, 1994.
Initial Performance Comparisons for the Delta Coding Algorithm
K. Mathias and D. Whitley
IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation. Volume 1. pp: 433-438, 1994.
Staged Hybrid Genetic Search for Seismic Data Imaging
K. Mathias, D. Whitley, C. Stork, and T. Kusuma
IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation. Volume 1. pp: 356-361, 1994.
Adding Learning to the Cellular Development of Neural Networks
F. Gruau and D. Whitley
Evolutionary Computation, 1(3):213-233.
Serial and Parallel Genetic Algorithms as Function Optimizers
S. Gordon and D. Whitley
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. S. Forrest, ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.
An Executable Model of a Simple Genetic Algorithm
D. Whitley
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA 2) D. Whitley, ed. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.
Genetic Operators, the Fitness Landscape and
the Traveling Salesman Problem.
K. Mathias and D. Whitley
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2). R. Ma:nner and B. Manderick, eds.,
pp. 219-228. North Holland-Elsevier, 1992.
A Comparative Study of Genetic Sequencing Operators
T. Starkweather, S. McDaniel, K. Mathias, C. Whitley, and D. Whitley
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. R.
Belew and L. Booker, eds., pp. 69-76. Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
Delta Coding: An Interative Genetic Search Strategy
D. Whitley, K. Mathias, and P. Fitzhorn
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. R. Belew and L.
Booker, eds., pp. 77-84. Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
Fundamental Principles of Deception
D. Whitley
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA). G. Rawlins, ed., pp. 221-241. Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
The Traveling Salesman and Sequence Scheduling: Quality Solutions
Using Genetic Edge Recombination.
D. Whitley, T. Starkweather, and D. Shaner
The Handbook of Genetic Algorithms. L. Davis, ed., pp: 350-372. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.
Motivation and Framework for Using Genetic Algorithms for Microcode Compaction
S. Beaty, D. Whitley and G. Johnson
23rd Annual Workshop in Microprogramming and Microarchitecture (MICRO-23) Republished
in: SIG Micro Newsletter, Volume 22, Number 1, January 1991.
The GENITOR Algorithm and Selective Pressure: Why Rank-Based Allocation
of Reproductive Trials is Best
D. Whitley
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. D. Schaffer,
ed., pp. 116-121. Morgan Kaufmann, 1989.