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Deadline: April 7, 1999
This checklist was included in your acceptance letter. Copies of the acceptance letter, the author's kit, and the forms mentioned in this list are available in electronic form.
[ ] Read reviewer remarks and revise paper to allotted length. Poster papers (one-page papers) must be EXACTLY one page. Presented papers (those with assigned lengths larger than one page) are expected to be no greater than the assigned length; however, your paper may be up to 2 pages longer than assigned provided an extra-page penalty of $75/page is paid for each page over the limit. Papers should not be submitted that exceed the assigned length plus two additional pages.
[ ] Deliver paper electronically to PROBOOK ftp site (ftp.sni.net) per instructions. DO NOT SEND PAPERS TO AAAI IN CALIFORNIA. If your paper cannot be delivered electronically, send the paper by express mail service to PROBOOK, 2050 South St. Paul Street, Denver, Colorado 80210 USA to arrive no later than Wednesday, April 7, 1999.
[ ] Send Permission-to-Publish form by fax (or express mail) to PROBOOK in Colorado (fax: 303-756-5374). DO NOT SEND TO AAAI.
[ ] Send Subject Index Form by fax (or express mail) to PROBOOK in Colorado (fax: 303-756-5374). DO NOT SEND TO AAAI.
[ ] If your paper is overlength or was not delivered electronically, submit Extra Page Fee and Hardcopy Submission Fee Invoice with payment (check or credit card) to PROBOOK. DO NOT SEND TO AAAI.
[ ] Submit an Audio-Visual Request form to AAAI in Menlo Park, by email (gecco@aaai.org), fax (650-321-4457), or mail (GECCO, c/o AAAI, 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, California 94025 USA). DO NOT SEND AV FORMS TO PROBOOK.
[ ] Register at least one author with AAAI in Menlo Park. DO NOT SEND REGISTRATION FORMS TO PROBOOK.
This last requirement has the benefit of securing authors the best conference rates (cheapest rates run through April 15, 1999) and insuring that someone will be present at the conference to present the paper. Registration forms may be mailed or faxed to AAAI to secure your place at the conference (and to secure your paper's place in the proceedings). Authors are reminded (as advertised in the call for papers) that "by submitting a paper, the author(s) agree that, if their paper is accepted they will submit a final revised camera-ready version and register at least one author by the deadline for camera-ready papers and that at least one author will attend and present each accepted paper at the conference."
The deadline for student travel grants is March 31, 1999. The special GECCO-99 rates at the conference hotel have a deadline of June 15, 1999.
If you need a letter inviting you to the conference or certifying that
you have an accepted paper at the conference for visa purposes or other
similar administrative matters, contact Keri Harvey at AAAI at gecco@aaai.org
or GECCO-99 Conference, c/o American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA. PHONE: 650-328-3123. FAX: