The class objective is to teach hacking techniques for the purpose of understanding what is possible and how to be aware of possible attacks. In some cases, a programming language will be used to acomplish this.
Office Hours: T ==> 15:00-18:00 , W ==> 19:30-20:30, Or by
Always email me when you are planning to come.
Office: ECS 263
Phone: 305-348-1704
Textbooks and Readings
Required Text:
Computer Security and Penetration Testing by Basta, Basta, and Brown. (Second Edition)
Publisher: CENGAGE -- (CSP)
Optional Textbooks:
Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages by Lubanovic (or if you are
experienced in Python, you can use Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho). (IP)
(Another alternative introduction to Python is the book "Learning Python", 5th Edition by
Mark Lutz)
Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters by Justin Seitz (BHP)
Gray Hot Python: Python Programming For Hackers and Reverse Engineers by Justin Seitz (GHP)
Hacking Wireless Networks - The ultimate hands-on guide Paperback by Mr Andreas Kolokithas (HWN)
Hacking Exposed Wireless, Third Edition: Wireless Security Secrets & Solutions By Wright,
Joshua (HEW).
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (Sixth Edition) by Kurose and Ross. (CN)