These are the networks each group will start out using for the labs. The XX in each case represents the group. We will be modifying the network as the semester progresses.

Each network is comprised of 6 sub-networks. These sub-nets are instantiated at layer 2 by simulated switches.

There are three "end" workstations. WS1 connects to network 1, WS2 connects to network 2, WS3 connects to network 3.

Net 0 is the core network. Workstation WS0 will also be used to function as your DNS, DHCP, NTP, syslog server. In addition workstation 0 has a connection to the "real" Internet, and can be reached remotely via ssh as (XX=group number). Ssh access is only available from SCIS lab workstations not from the Internet at large. If you want to access from off campus you will want to ssh to a JCCL Linux server (such as first, then connect to WS0.

Out of band access to all workstations and R1 is available via the VNC network protocol. Out of band access to BR/R2/R3 is available via telnet protocol.

The router BR is a Juniper router, and is the border router to your network. It has two interfaces. The internal interface (fxp1) connects to your network and the external interface (fxp0) will connect to the "ISP" network later in the course.

Router R1 is a Linux router running the Quagga routing suite. Routers R2 and R3 are Cisco 7206 routers.


Logical (layer 3) diagram
Logical (layer 3) diagram PDF for printing

After Lab 6 we will modify the diagrams as such:

Logical (layer 3) diagram after lab 6
Logical (layer 3) diagram after lab 6 PDF for printing

Also for lab 6 here are the physical/vlan diagrams before/after trading workstations 1 with neighbor.

Physical/VLAN before trading
Physical/VLAN before trading (PDF)
Physical/VLAN after trading
Physical/VLAN after trading(PDF)