Show Lecture.Booting as a slide show.
CT320 Booting
Colorado State University
Computer Science Department
Original slides from Dr. James Walden at Northern Kentucky University.
- Booting
- Bootstrap loaders
- Run levels
- Startup system
- Shutdown and reboot
- ROM boot code (BIOS in PCs)
- Master Boot Record (MBR)
- Bootloader
- Kernel
- Hardware detection and configuration
- Creation of system processes
- Multiuser operation
- BIOS actions:
- Load CMOS settings.
- Initialize registers and power management.
- POST (Power On Self Test.)
- Display system settings (if key pressed.)
- Activate other BIOSes
- Disk interfaces
- Graphics cards
- Network interfaces
- Find bootable device.
- Load MBR.
- Run MBR program.
- Up to four primary partitions in MBR:
- Has CHS (Cyl/Head/Sector) addresses or partition
- LBA (Logical Block Addressing) for newer disk drives
- One can be used as an extended partition
- Links to an Extended Boot Record (EBR) on first sector
- Each logical partition is described by its own EBR
- Includes link to the next EBR, to allow any # of partitions
Bootloader: GRUB
- Stage 1 (stored in MBR or boot sector)
- Initialize the system briefly.
- Detect the geometry and access mode of the loading drive.
- Load the first sector of Stage 2.
- Jump to the starting address of the Stage 2.
- Stage 1.5 (stored in sectors of MBR track)
- One version for each filesystem.
- Loads stage 2 from filesystem.
- Stage 2 (stored in filesystem)
- Displays menu of OS choices.
- Often displays boot splash screen.
- Loads selected OS kernel.
- Automatically boots default OS after timeout.
- Key sequences bring up
- Menu of boot options (Linux, previous version of Linux, Windows, etc.)
- Edit kernel options (runlevel, other features)
- GRUB command shell
- A boot prompt password may be required before
edit privileges or shell access granted.
- Can bypass OS security by specifying kernel options or
accessing files from GRUB shell.
Booting with GRUB
- Direct Boot
- Specify OS kernel image to load.
- Chainloading
- Specify another bootloader to load.
- Chainload NTLDR to boot MS Windows.
GRUB Config
My /etc/default/grub
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
Edit, then update-grub
How can GRUB_DISTRUBTOR possibly do shell stuff at boot-time?!
GRUB Naming Convention
- GRUB uses BIOS hard disk numbers
- OS may not number disks identically to BIOS.
- Examples
First partition of first hard disk
Third partition of second hard disk.
- GRUB loads kernel file into memory:
- Kernel uncompresses self and begins running.
- Sets up interrupts and virtual memory.
- Initial RAMdisk
to memory.
- Kernel uncompresses
and mounts as /sysroot
- Kernel loads drivers and modules from
- SCSI and RAID drivers, ext3 filesystem module, etc.
- Switches from real mode to protected mode.
- Creates kernel threads (ksoftirq, khelper, kblockd)
- Starts
, init
, upstart
, or whatever’s in fashion.
Kernel Arguments
Numeric arguments
- Specify runlevel.
also specifies single user mode
Root device options
specifies which root device to use
, rw
specify access type
Kernel Arguments (continued)
Console options
will use serial console
Hardware options
- Enable, disable specific hardware devices/features.
See bootparam for many more.
Getting it all going
There has to be an initial process that gets things going.
It must:
- mount disks
- start the ssh daemon
- start bluetooth processes
- start crond
- start the D-Bus daemon
- and many, many, more!
Historically, Linux systems have used the System V init
to accomplish this.
What's wrong with init?
- Performance
- Starts services sequentially.
- Shell scripts spawn lots of processes.
- Manual configuration
- Order to start services determined manually, a huge problem.
- Network before authorization before NFS.
- Reliability
does NOT monitor or restart services after boot.
If a service dies, it dies. So sad!
- Hotplug hardware
- Drives mounted at boot.
- What about USB or network drives?
has several competitors, including:
is quite popular, and quite controversial. It is now the
default startup mechanism for Debian, Fedora, Red Hat, SUSE, and Ubuntu.
We will discuss only systemd
Service Cheatsheet
Command | Purpose |
systemctl start name | Start a service right now. |
systemctl stop name | Stop a service right now. |
systemctl restart name | Restart a service (stop+start). |
systemctl reload name | Reload configuration (config file changed). |
systemctl status name | How’s it going? |
systemctl enable name | Start this service at each boot. |
systemctl disable name | Do not start service at each boot. |
systemctl is-active name | What services are active? |
systemctl list-units --type service --all | What services exist? |
Targets in systemd
Old init Runlevel | Systemd Target | Description |
0 | | Halt the system. |
1, s, single | | Single user mode |
3 | | Multi-user, non-graphical login via console or the network |
5 | | Same as previous plus graphical login |
6 | | Reboot |
| | Emergency shell |
Switch to a different target: systemctl isolate
What if single user mode doesn’t work?
- Nuke it from orbit, or:
- Bypass
by booting into shell
- Pass
argument to kernel.
- Probably want to specify
option as well.
- No need for root password, usually.
- No housekeeping performed.
- Boot from Live Install DVD
It’s all systemd
$ PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
$ type -p shutdown halt poweroff reboot
$ ls -l $(type -p shutdown halt poweroff reboot)
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Dec 16 21:01 /sbin/halt -> ../bin/systemctl
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Dec 16 21:01 /sbin/poweroff -> ../bin/systemctl
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Dec 16 21:01 /sbin/reboot -> ../bin/systemctl
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Dec 16 21:01 /sbin/shutdown -> ../bin/systemctl
Example systemd .service file
Description=Command Scheduler
After=auditd.service systemd-user-sessions.service time-s ypbind.service
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/crond -n $CRONDARGS
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID