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Recitation 9 - JavaScript

In this recitation, we will:

HTML, CSS,and JavaScript make up the base of the World Wide Web

Dynamic: where PHP is server-side, JavaScript is client-side (JS can also be used server-side but for this class we'll be using PHP because of Fuel)

Object-based scripting language

JAVA and JAVASCRIPT are very different languages and are not related to each other

Click here to reach the example

Click here to download the source files

Create a JavaScript(.js) file inside your local_html directory. These :

  1. Link the JS file using a script tag
  2. Fetch an element by id and change a piece of its style
  3. Create an event listener that replaces an element's text when you click either the element or a button
  4. Make a simple slideshow using your image or a set of other images
  5. Receive the user's name as input and customize a welcome message on your page using their name