This simple template example should help you start your FuelPHP web app!
- With Fuel installed, find your 'fuel/app/classes/controller' directory, inside you'll find a file: welcome.php
- Make a copy of this file and call it home.php
- Delete all the comments on top (keep opening php tag) and methods except 'action_index'
- Clear all the contents of 'action_index' and add the following:
- Finally, change the name of the class to 'Controller_Home'
- Navigate to ''. You should see the text 'home index'.
- Inside home.php create another method called 'action_other' and add a 'die' statement with the text 'home other'
- Navigate to you site but this time use '/index/home/other'
- Cool, right? Now let's use a View instead of die statements
- Create a directory called 'home' in 'fuel/app/views/' and then a file inside that directory called index.php
- Add anything to the page to identitfy it (the strings from before are probably best)
- Back in your controller home.php, clear the die statement and add this:
- return Response::forge(View::forge('home/index'));
- Check your site and see if you can see your message
- Awesome! But what about the template?
- Each page will need a header or footer with similar links. Go back to your controller home.php and extend it to 'Controller_Template'
- Clear the 'action_index' and add this:
- $data = array();
- $this->template->title = 'Home Page';
- $this->template->content = View::forge('home/index', $data);
- Now go back to your views directory and create a file called template.php(outside of the home folder). Add the following:
- <h1>MAIN TEMPLATE</h1>
- <?php echo $content; ?>
- Navigate to your site and check if the template loads
- Do the same for the 'action_other' page to load different content into the template!