
Recitation 3 - Personal Webpage

In this recitation, we will:

  1. Environment Check

    • In the first recitation we set up our web environment. In case you weren't here, visit the first recitation for the instructions. Let me know if you're still having some issues with it or need clarification.
  2. The Assignment

    • All the criteria for the assignment is here.
  3. Styling

    • Creating a style sheet is required for this assignment, but we will go over that after Monday's lecture, no worries!
  4. Creating a TAR file

  5. For this assignment you are required to create a tar file that will be submitted through Cavnas. Make sure that this file contains all the artifacts for your page to load properly (.html, .css, and any images you include).

    Creating a tar file can be done easily with following command.

    • tar -cvf <YOUR-FILENAME-HERE>.tar index.html styles.css image1.jpg
  6. Example

  7. Here is an example page: example