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Recitation 13 - File Uploads with Fuel

In this recitation, we will:

CSS Quiz Thursday!

Fuel public class: "Upload"

A public class that fuelifies PHP file upload

Functions from the Upload class include: process, is_valid, save, get_files, etc.

Let's check out the usage example together

<<<<<<< .mine

The MVC Example on my site has been updated with an upload feature. The file must follow a specific format in order for it to be allowed!

Using the example in the Fuel Docs as a guide, take a CSV file as an upload and display its contents in a clean format .

||||||| .r3338

The MVC Example on my site has been updated with an upload feature. The file must follow a specific format in order for it to be allowed!

Using the example in the Fuel Docs as a guide, take a CSV file as an upload and display its contents in a clean format .


The example on my site takes a CSV file that must follow a specific format in order for it to be allowed!

>>>>>>> .r3342