Discussions: rules of the game

Discussions will be conducted electronically in Piazza. Nirmal will create the discussion groups, mixing up on campus and online students. The group size will be about 3.

  • There will be a discussion nearly every week.
  • The topic/questions will be posted on Friday.
  • Every member submits an initial, individual solution by Tuesday midnight.
  • Using these submissions as a starting point, all members of a discussion group participate in discussing the pros and cons of each solution. They must then arrive at a solution agreed upon by the whole group. A chosen group representative submits this by Thursday midnight.
  • In addition, each member must also provide written, constructve feedback to one other solution (you may build up this critique during the process of the dicsussion).
Format of the consensus report:
  • Dicusssion number/topic
  • Discussion group name
  • Names of people who participated in the discussion.
  • Name of the representative (all members take turns to be the representative)
  • Actual report: This must contain the solution agreed upon by the whole discussion group. If you submit only the final solution (and it is incorrect), you will not get any partial credit. If you submit the steps followed to arrive at the solution, you will get partial credit depending on where the actual mistake occured.