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schedule [CS545 fall 2016]

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Video of the lectures is available via the echo360 portal of the course


Topics Reading Assignments
Week 1: August 26-30
Tuesday Course introduction ( slides). Prolog and Chapter 1 in the textbook
Thursday Course introduction (continued). Short intro to python [ notes ]. Prolog and Chapter 1


Topics Reading Assignments
Week 2: Sept 2-6
Tuesday Two simple linear models: the closest centroid algorithm and the perceptron algorithm ( slides) Chapter 7 assignment 1 is out
Thursday Evaluating and using ML classifiers( slides). And here's a demo of the process in PyML. Chapter 2
Week 3: Sept 9-13
Tuesday Overview of Latex. Go over the code for the perceptron classifier. Chapter 2,7
Thursday Classifier evaluation (continued) Chapter 2
Week 4: Sept 16-20
Tuesday Linear regression ( slides). Chapter 7
Thursday Linear regression - continued (6 slides were added to tuesday's batch). Here's code for ridge regression that you can try out in PyML. Chapter 7 Assignment 1 is due. Assignment 2 is out
Week 5: Sept 23-27
Tuesday Large margin classifiers: support vector machines ( slides). Chapter 7
Thursday support vector machines (continued). Chapter 7


Topics Reading Assignments
Week 6: Sept 30 - Oct 4
Tuesday SVMs and regularization; SVMs for unbalanced data ( slides) A nice tutorial on SVMs: A user's guide to support vector machines.
Thursday Extending SVMs to nonlinear classification ( slides). Here's a nice video that illustrates the idea. Chapter 7 Assignment 2 is due on Friday
Week 7: Oct 7 - 11
Tuesday Kernel classifiers: kernel versions of the perceptron and linear regression ( slides) and multi-class classification with binary classifiers (slides) Chapter 7.5, Chapter 3 Assignment 3 is out
Thursday Evaluating and using ML classifiers: model selection ( slides) paper on Dataset selection
Week 8: Oct 14 - 18
Tuesday More on kernel functions ( slides)
Thursday Kernel methods for protein-protein interactions ( slides) A. Ben-Hur and W.S. Noble. Kernel methods for predicting protein-protein interactions. Bioinformatics 21(Suppl. 1): i38-i46, 2005.
Week 9: Oct 21 - 25
Tuesday Distance based models and nearest neighbor classifiers ( slides) Chapter 8 Assignment 3 is due. Assignment 4 is out
Thursday Distance based clustering ( slides) Chapter 8
Week 10: Oct 28 - Nov 1
Tuesday Probability theory, probabilistic models, and naive Bayes classification ( slides) Chapter 9 Assignment 4 is due. Assignment 5 is out
Thursday Continue discussion of naive Bayes. Obtaining probabilities from linear classifiers ( slides) Chapter 7.4


Week 11: Nov 4 - Nov 8
Tuesday Logistic regression ( slides) Chapter 9 Assignment 4 is due. Assignment 5 is out
Thursday Features and feature selection ( slides) Chapter 10 Project proposal is due on friday
Week 12: Nov 11 - Nov 15
Tuesday Potential bias when using feature selection. Principal components analysis (PCA) ( slides) Chapter 10
Thursday Decision trees ( slides) Chapter 5
schedule.1384307283.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/09 10:25 (external edit)