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assignments:assignment3 [CS545 fall 2016]

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Assignment 3: Support Vector Machines

Due: October 20th at 6pm

Part 1: SVM with no bias term

Formulate a soft-margin SVM without the bias term, i.e. $f(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{w}^{T} \mathbf{x}$. Derive the saddle point conditions, KKT conditions and the dual. Compare it to the standard SVM formulation. What is the implication of the difference on the design of SMO-like algorithms? Recall that SMO algorithms work by iteratively optimizing two variables at a time. Hint: consider the difference in the constraints.

Part 2: Closest Centroid Algorithm

Express the closest centroid algorithm in terms of kernels, i.e. determine how the coefficients $\alpha_i$ will be computed using a given labeled dataset.

Part 3: Soft-margin SVM for separable data

Consider training a soft-margin SVM with $C$ set to some positive constant. Suppose the training data is linearly separable. Since increasing the $\xi_i$ can only increase the objective of the primal problem (which we are trying to minimize), at the optimal solution to the primal problem, all the training examples will have $\xi_i$ equal to zero. True or false? Explain! Given a linearly separable dataset, is it necessarily better to use a a hard margin SVM over a soft-margin SVM?

Part 4: Using SVMs

The data for this question comes from a database called SCOP (structural classification of proteins), which classifies proteins into classes according to their structure (download it from here). The data is a two-class classification problem of distinguishing a particular class of proteins from a selection of examples sampled from the rest of the SCOP database. I chose to represent the proteins in terms of their motif composition. A sequence motif is a pattern of nucleotides/amino acids that is conserved in evolution. Motifs are usually associated with regions of the protein that are important for its function, and are therefore useful in differentiating between classes of proteins. A given protein will typically contain only a handful of motifs, and so the data is very sparse. It is also very high dimensional, since the number of conserved patterns in the space of all proteins is large. The data was constructed as part of the following analysis of detecting distant relationships between proteins:

In this part of the assignment we will explore the dependence of classifier accuracy on the kernel, kernel parameters, kernel normalization, and SVM parameter soft-margin parameter. The use of the SVM class is discussed in the PyML tutorial, and by using help(SVM) in the python interpreter.

By default, a dataset is instantiated with a linear kernel attached to it. To use a different kernel you need to attach a new kernel to the dataset:

>>> from PyML import ker
>>> data.attachKernel(ker.Gaussian(gamma = 0.1))


>>> from PyML import her
>>> data.attachKernel(ker.Polynomial(degree = 3))

Alternatively, you can instantiate an SVM with a given kernel:

>>> classifier = SVM(ker.Gaussian(gamma = 0.1))

This will override the kernel the data is associated with.

In this question we will consider both the Gaussian and polynomial kernels: $$ K_{gauss}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x'}) = \exp(-\gamma || \mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}' ||^2) $$ $$ K_{poly}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x'}) = (1 + \mathbf{x}^T \mathbf{x}') ^{p} $$ Plot the accuracy of the SVM, measured using the balanced success rate as a function of both the soft-margin parameter of the SVM, and the free parameter of the kernel function. Show a couple of representative cross sections of this plot for a given value of the ridge parameter, and for a given value of the kernel parameter. Comment on the results. When exploring the values of a continuous classifier/kernel parameter it is useful to use values that are distributed on an exponential grid, i.e. something like 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 (note that the degree of the polynomial kernel is not such a parameter).

For this type of sparse dataset it is useful to normalize the input features. One way to do so is to divide each input example by its norm. This is accomplished in PyML by:

>>> data.normalize()

Compare the results under this normalization with what you obtain without normalization.

You can visualize the whole kernel matrix associated with the data using the following commands:

>>> from PyML import ker
>>> ker.showKernel(data)

Explain the structure that you are seeing in the plot (it is more interesting when the data is normalized).

assignments/assignment3.1381114448.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/09 10:25 (external edit)