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====== Schedule ======
Video of the lectures is available via the echo360 portal of the course. A link is provided on Canvas and Piazza.
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| ^ Topics ^ Reading ^ Assignments ^
^ Week 1: August 23,25 | | | |
| Tuesday | Course introduction ({{wiki:01_intro.pdf | slides}}). | Sections 1.1 and 1.2 in the textbook | |
| Thursday | Course introduction (continued). | Sections 1.1 and 1.2 in the textbook | [[assignments:assignment1| Assignment 1]] is available. |
^ Week 2: August 30, Sept 1 | | | |
| Tuesday | Linear models ({{wiki:02_linear.pdf | slides}}). Short intro to LaTex and python [ [[notes:python_getting_started | notes]] ]. | Chapter 1, and Section 3.1 in the textbook | |
| Thursday | Linear models and the perceptron algorithm (cont). | Chapter 1, and Section 3.1 in the textbook | [[assignments:assignment2| Assignment 2]] is available. |
^ Week 3: September 6,8 | | | |
| Tuesday | [[code:perceptron | code]] for the perceptron. Linear regression ({{wiki:03_linear_regression.pdf | slides}}). | Chapter 3.2 | |
| Thursday | Logistic regression ({{wiki:04_logistic_regression.pdf | slides}}). | Chapter 3.3 | |
^ Week 4: September 13,15 | | | |
| Tuesday | Overfitting ({{wiki:05_overfitting.pdf | slides}}) | Chapters 2.3,4.1 | |
| Thursday | Regularization and model selection ({{wiki:06_regularization.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter 4 |
^ Week 5: September 20,22 | | | |
| Tuesday | Model selection and cross validation (continued). Code for [[code:cross_validation | cross validation]] in scikit-learn | Chapter 4 | [[assignments:assignment3| Assignment 3]] is available. |
| Thursday | Discussion of classifier evaluation and metrics for classifier accuracy; here's the code for computing/plotting [[code:roc|ROC curves]]. Short intro to large margin classification ({{wiki:07_svm.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter e-8 | |
^ Week 6: September 27,29 | | | |
| Tuesday | Large margin classification: support vector machines ({{wiki:07_svm.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter e-8 | |
| Thursday | The dual for the hard margin and soft margin SVM ({{wiki:07_svm.pdf | slides}}); [[code:demo2d|svm demo]]; Expressing SVMs in terms of error + regularization ({{wiki:07_svm_unbalanced.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter e-8 | |
^ Week 7: October 4,7 | | | |
| Tuesday | SVMs for unbalanced data ({{wiki:07_svm_unbalanced.pdf | slides}}) Nonlinear classification with kernels ({{wiki:08_kernels.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter e-8 | [[assignments:assignment4| Assignment 4]] is available. |
| Thursday | Kernels (continued); [[code:model_selection|model selection]] using grid search | Chapter e-8 | |
^ Week 8: October 11,13 | | | |
| Tuesday | Model selection ({{wiki:09_evaluation.pdf | slides}}). Multi-class classification ({{wiki:10_multi_class.pdf | slides}}), a [[code:multi_class| demo]] of multi-class classification | Chapter 4.3.3 | |
| Thursday | Neural networks ({{wiki:11_nn.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter e-7 | |
^ Week 9: October 18,20 | | | |
| Tuesday | Neural networks (continued); neural network [[code:neural_networks| demo]] | Chapter e-7 | [[assignments:assignment5| Assignment 5]] is available. |
| Thursday | Neural networks (continued); deep learning ({{wiki:12_deep_networks.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter e-7 | |
^ Week 10: October 25,27 | | | |
| Tuesday | Deep learning (continued) | Chapter e-7 | |
| Thursday | [[code:theano| Theano]]. Features ({{wiki:13_features.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter e-9 | |
^ Week 11: November 1,3 | | | |
| Tuesday | Feature selection ({{wiki:13_features.pdf | slides}}); feature selection[[[code:feature_selection| demo]]. | [[http://www.jmlr.org/papers/v3/guyon03a.html | Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection]]. | |
| Thursday | Principal components analysis (PCA) ({{wiki:14_pca.pdf | slides}}) [[code:pca|demo of pca]] | Chapter e-9 | [[assignments:assignment6| Assignment 6]] is available. |
^ Week 12: November 8,10 | | | |
| Tuesday | Nearest neighbor methods ({{wiki:15_nearest_neighbors.pdf | slides}}); [[code:nearest_neighbors | demo]]. | Chapter e-6 | |
| Thursday | Clustering ({{wiki:16_clustering.pdf | slides}}) kmeans [[http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/cluster/plot_kmeans_assumptions.html | demo]] | Chapter 10 in [[http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/ | introduction to statistical learning]] | |
^ Week 13: November 15,17 | | | |
| Tuesday | Naive Bayes classification ({{wiki:18_naive_bayes.pdf | slides}}); [[code:naive_bayes | demo]]. | | |
| Thursday | Intro to computational learning theory ({{wiki:19_vc_dimension.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter 1.3 in the textbook | |
^ Thanksgiving break | | | |
^ Week 14: November 29, December 1 | | | |
| Tuesday | The VC dimension ({{wiki:20_vc_dimension.pdf | slides}}); Least squares regression revisited ({{wiki:21_linear_regression_revisited.pdf | slides}}) | Chapter 2.1, 2.2 in the textbook | |
| Thursday | Ensemble models ({{wiki:22_ensembles.pdf | slides}}); [[code:ensembles | demo]]. | | |
^ Week 15: December 6,8 | | | |
| Tuesday | Course summary ({{wiki:23_course_summary.pdf | slides}}) | | |
| Thursday | Poster session | | |
^ Week 16 | | | |
| Tuesday | Submit final reports | | |