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assignments:assignment5 [CS545 fall 2016]

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assignments:assignment5 [2015/10/29 13:52]
assignments:assignment5 [2015/10/31 09:24]
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-========= Assignment 5: Feature selection ​============+======== Assignment 5: Feature selection ===========
 Due:  November 15th at 11pm Due:  November 15th at 11pm
-In this assignment ​we will compare several feature selection methods on several datasets. + 
-The datasets ​we will use are the yeast gene expression dataset ​+==== Data ==== 
 +In this assignment ​you will compare several feature selection methods on several datasets. 
 +The first dataset is the [[https://​archive.ics.uci.edu/​ml/​datasets/Arcene| Arcene]] dataset which was used in the 2003 NIPS feature selection competition. ​ The dataset is produced by mass spectrometry of biological samples that comes from different types of cancer. 
 +The second dataset describes the expression of human genes in two types of leukemia The original publication that describes the data: 
 +T. R. Golub, D. K. Slonim, P. Tamayo, C. Huard, M. Gaasenbeek, J. P. Mesirov, H. Coller, M. L. Loh, J. R. Downing, M. A. Caligiuri, C. D. Bloomfield, and E. S. Lander.  
 +[[https://​www.broadinstitute.org/​mpr/​publications/​projects/​Leukemia/​Golub_et_al_1999.pdf | Molecular classification of cancer: class discovery and class prediction by gene expression ​monitoring]].  
 +Science, 286(5439):​531,​ 1999. 
 +Download a processed version of the dataset ​in libsvm format from the [[https://​www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/​~cjlin/​libsvmtools/​datasets/​binary.html | libsvm data repository]]. ​ Look for the dataset named "​leukemia"​. ​ There are two files, one a training set and another which contains a test set.  Merge the two files into a single file for your experiments.
 ===== Part 1:  Filter methods ===== ===== Part 1:  Filter methods =====
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 In order for your function to work with the scikit-learn filter framework it needs to have two parameters: ''​golub(X,​ y)'',​ where X is the feature matrix, and y is a vector of labels. ​ All scikit-learn filter methods return two values - a vector of scores, and a vector of p-values. ​ For our purposes, we won't use p-values associated with the Golub scores, so just return the computed vector of scores twice: ​ if your vector of scores is stored in an array called scores, have the return statement be: In order for your function to work with the scikit-learn filter framework it needs to have two parameters: ''​golub(X,​ y)'',​ where X is the feature matrix, and y is a vector of labels. ​ All scikit-learn filter methods return two values - a vector of scores, and a vector of p-values. ​ For our purposes, we won't use p-values associated with the Golub scores, so just return the computed vector of scores twice: ​ if your vector of scores is stored in an array called scores, have the return statement be:
-<code python>​ +''​return scores,​scores''​ 
-return scores,​scores + 
 +===== Part 2:  Embedded methods: ​ L1 SVM ===== 
 +The L1-SVM is an SVM that uses the L1 norm as the regularization term by replacing $w^Tw$ with $\sum_{i=1}^d |w_i|$. ​ As discussed in class, the L1 SVM leads to very sparse solutions, and can therefore be used to perform feature selection. 
 +Run the L1-SVM on the datasets mentioned above. ​  
 +In scikit-learn use ''​LinearSVC(penalty='​l1',​ dual=False)''​ to create one. 
 +How many features have non-zero weight vector coefficients? ​ (Note that you can obtain the weight vector of a trained SVM by looking at its ''​coef0''​ attribute. 
 +Compare the accuracy of an L1 SVM to an SVM that uses RFE to select relevant features. 
 +Compare the accuracy of a regular L2 SVM trained on the features selected by the L1 SVM with the accuracy of an L2 SVM trained on all the features (compute accuracy using 5-fold cross-validation). 
 +It has been argued in the literature that L1-SVMs often leads to solutions that are too sparse. ​ As a workaround, implement the following strategy: 
 +  * Create $k$ sub-samples of the data in which you randomly choose 80% of the examples. 
 +  * For each sub-sample train an L1-SVM. 
 +  * For each feature compute a score that is the number of sub-samples for which that feature yielded a non-zero score. 
 +===== Part 3:  Method comparison ===== 
 +Compute the accuracy of a Linear L2 SVM as a function of the number of selected features on the leukemia and Arcene datasets for the following feature selection methods: 
 +  * The Golub score 
 +  * L1-SVM feature selection using subsamples 
 +  * RFE-SVM 
 +Make sure that your evaluation provides an un-biased estimate of classifier performance. 
 +Comment on the results. 
 +For the above experiment you do not need to select the optimal value for the SVM soft-margin constant. 
 +Compare these results to results obtained using internal cross-validation for selecting  
 +the soft margin constant $C$ over a grid of values. 
 +In writing your code, use scikit-learn'​s ability to combine analysis steps using the [[http://​scikit-learn.org/​stable/​modules/​pipeline.html |Pipeline class]]. ​ This will be particularly useful for performing model selection.
-===== Part 2:  Comparison of filter and embedded methods ===== 
-Do your results change if you do model selection for the resulting classifier over a grid of values for the soft margin constant $C$? 
 ===== Submission ===== ===== Submission =====
assignments/assignment5.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/18 09:18 by asa