Discussion 2: Group Lab Report
- Take the time, speedup, and efficiency plots you created in Lab 1 - Mandelbrot and
analyse these. Does the speedup make sense to you? Most likely your speedup curves
are non linear. What characteristics (load balance, memory, IO) in the program contribute?
Each group member brings this analysis to the group. Then the group discusses
these. Are there differences? If so, what could cause these? Come to a group conclusion.
- (OPTIONAL) Now take the reruns of Lab 2 with dynamic schedules and (see Quinn 17.7.3) experiments
with chunk sizes into account. Plot the speedup for the same range of threads. How is this different from the
default schedule in Lab 1? Can you explain it? Again, come to a group conclusion.
- Update your lab report from Lab 1 and submit your results to canvas as a group.