CS470: Computer Architecture |
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Course Objectives: Computers today range from high performance machines to smartphones and embedded processors in appliances. They crunch numbers, drive high definition displays as well as run everyday applications. The course covers: How to build a functional unit using lower level components in an optimal way (cost/power/performance). Combinational and sequential blocks using gates and storage elements. Processor specification using ISA Implementing high-level language constructs using machine/assembly language. Exploiting potential parallelism to achieve high performance. Memory hierarchy to achieve a large address space with a low cost with fast access. How is technology advancing? What to expect in near future? See Outline Prerequities:a grade of 'C' or better in CS 370 (System Architecture and Software). |
Text: David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 5th ed., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. Some material will be taken from recent publications and other sources. Homework/Labs:There will be about six homework and programming assignments. Some assignments will include use of simulation at the logic level and some will use a machine/assembly level simulator. Tests:There will be one midterm and a comprehensive Final Exam. Quizzes:In addition there will be about 12 quizzes, mostly on-line on Canvas, but some may in the class, some of which may be unannounced. Term project in Computer Architecture:Proposal (1-page): 3/21/2017, progress report: 4/11/2017, final report: 5/4/2017. A short presentation powerpoint presentation will be required (Slides needd 4/27/2017). |
Lecture Coordinates BHSCI 107 MWF (3:00 PM -3:50 PM) Grading The weights associated with different elements of the course are listed below.
Instructor | Graduate Teaching Assistants | ||
Yashwant K. Malaiya Office: Room 356, CS Building Office Hours: W 4:10-5:00 PM, F 10:10-11:00 AM E-mail: malaiya {aT} cs.colostate.edu (with the obvious change) Tel: 970.491.7031 |
Athith Amarnath E-mail: athith.amarnath {aT} colostate.edu Office Hours in CSB 120: Mondays 4:00-6:00PM, Fridays 11:00AM-1:00PM | ||
Topic Outline:
Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA © 2017 Colorado State University |