CS370: Operating Systems
[Fall 2024]








The weights associated with different elements of the course are listed below.

Course Element


Assignments (programming/written)


Quizzes & interaction (on-line and in-class)


Mid Term







Letter grades will be based on the following standard breakpoints: ≥ 90 is an A, ≥ 88 is an A-, ≥86 is a B+, ≥80 is a B, ≥78 is a B-, ≥76 is a C+, ≥70 is a C, ≥60 is a D, and <60 is an F. We will not cut higher than this, but we may cut lower.



Prerequisites: CS165/CS200 with a C [2.0] or better, CS250 with a C [2.0] or better.

Required Texts



Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne.
Operating Systems Concepts, Edition 10e, Wiley etext package
Publisher - John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-1119127482.


Track Canvas, MS Teams and the schedule page of the course website daily. You are required to attend all lectures. Make sure that you refresh the web pages.
Ensure that you complete the quizzes and the homework assignments.

Use of any laptops, handheld devices or phones is not permitted. Exception for note-taking devices may be requested for special cases. The student must submit a pledge to use them only in the last row and use them only for taking class notes (which you need to submit every two weeks). Each instance of the unauthorized use of such devices may result in a penalty determined by the professor.

You must bring your smartphone with the iClicker app every day. You must register your iClicker on Canvas before the beginning of the second week of classes. Unregistered iCliker scores after that will not be taken into account. The phone cannot be used for any other purpose during the lecture. You must be in the class for the full lecture for any possible in-class quizzes. Showing up late just for the iClicker quiz or leaving soon after is disruptive and there is a substantial penalty.

Policies for exams, quizzes and assignments:
The dates for all exams will be announced. There are weekly online quizzes. No collaboration of any type among students is permitted for online quizzes. Late on-line quiz submissions are not accepted.


Arrangements for the Midterm and the comprehensive Final will be specified. You must have a MS Windows/Mac laptop with a webcam that will support the CSU specified proctoring software used in the class, if specified. There will be no make-up exams for missed quizzes, mid-term, and finals. If you have an officially required university event or family or medical emergency that prevents you from attending the midterm, or the final, let us know as soon as possible and provide verifiable documentation to reschedule.

You must take your exams as scheduled for your specific section. Local online students are required to take the exams in the class along with the on-campus students at the same time. Penalty for not taking the right exam is 100%. You must pass separately in the tests (i.e. midterm plus final) and the rest of the course elements to pass the class.

All assignments are due at 11 PM on the due date and will be submitted using Canvas. When submitting a tar/zip file, you need to check its integrity by downloading it. There is a late penalty of 10% per day for up to a maximum of two days. Submissions after that are not accepted. Programming assignments are posted about 7-14 days prior to the deadline, written assignments will allow 6-7 days. All assignments will be posted on Canvas.


Submissions will be checked for using automated tools and/or manually for excessive overlap among the students, or use of external sources or AI. A significant penalty will be imposed when a violation is determined. There will be a deduction whenever a teaching assistant or the instructor has to spend additional time because of a student not following the instructions.

All students are expected to be familiar with the policies in the department's student information sheet available here.

This course will adhere to the CSU Academic Integrity Policy as found in the General Catalog and the Student Conduct Code. At a minimum, violations will result in a grading penalty in this course and a report to the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services. We use manual, automated as well as analytical methods to detect violations.

SDC Students

The course policies for the SDC (Student Disability Center) students are based on the policies of the class, the department and CSU. The deadlines applicable to regular students apply to SDC students as well. A student with special exam accommodations must make arrangements sufficiently in advance with SDC to take it there.





Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA
© 2024 Colorado State University