import math import numpy as np import argparse # begin PROVIDED section - do NOT modify ################################## count = 0 def getArgs() : parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('input_file', type = str, help = 'File containing terrain') parser.add_argument('h', type = float, help = 'h value') parser.add_argument('theta', type = float, help = 'Angle of elevation for Sun') parser.add_argument('algorithm', type = str, help = 'naive | early | fast') return parser.parse_args() def compare(x,y): global count count += 1 if abs(x-y) < .000000000001 : return False if x < y : return True else: return False def print_shade(boolean_array): for row in boolean_array: for column in row: if column == True: print ('* ', end = '') elif column == False: print ('0 ', end = '') print('\n') def read2Dfloat(fileName) : # read CSV of floats into 2D array array2D = [] # Read input file f = open(fileName, "r") data ='\n') # Get 2-D array for row in data: if row=='': continue float_list = list(map(float, row.split(',')[0:-1])) array2D.append(float_list) return array2D def runTest(args, terrain = None) : # Initialize counter global count count = 0 theta = np.deg2rad(args.theta) if terrain == None : terrain = read2Dfloat(args.input_file) N = len(terrain) shade = [[False] * N for i in range(N)] if args.algorithm == 'naive': result = naive(terrain, args.h, theta, N, shade) elif args.algorithm == 'early': result = earlyexit(terrain, args.h, theta, N, shade) elif args.algorithm == 'fast': result = fast(terrain, args.h, theta, N, shade) return result # end PROVIDED section ################################## # Fritz Sieker def naive(image,h,angle,N,shade): ###### Complete this function return shade def earlyexit(image,h,angle, N, shade): ###### Complete this function return shade def fast(image,h,angle, N, shade): ###### Complete this function return shade if __name__ == '__main__': answer = runTest(getArgs()) print_shade(answer) print('Number of comparisons: ' + str(count))