CS270 Recitation 8: The Stack

Due: Friday 3/10/2017 at 11:59 PM (no late submissions)


  1. To teach you the LC-3 stack protocol.
  2. To apply the stack protocol to implement a recursive function.
  3. To prepare you for P7.

The Assignment

In this recitation, you will be implementing the factorial function in assembly using recursion. Recall that n! = n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) * ... * 2 * 1. This can also be expressed as n! = n * (n - 1)!

Here is a C implementation:

#include <stdio.h>

int Param = 0x0004;
int Result;
/** Compute N! recursively */
int Factorial(int N) {
  int Temp = N - 1;
  if (Temp > 0) { // This is the same as checking if N > 1
    // Recursive call
    return N * Factorial(Temp);
  } else {
    // Base case (N <= 1)
    return 1;

/** Entry point */
int main() {
  Result = Factorial(Param);
  printf("Return value is x%04X\n", Result);
  return 0;

We want to implement this program in assembly. Unfortunately, it is not trivial. When calling subroutines in assembly, we have to worry about issues such as potential conflicts when using the same registers in both functions and the restoration of the return address. These issues are made more obviuos when implementing recursion.

Because of this, we will be using the stack protocol, a set of rules that allows the program to keep track of function calls. You are already familiar with some of it: every time a function is called, an activation record for that function is pushed into the stack. The activation record keeps track of the data needed to run the function and to return to the calling function after completion. It includes parameters, bookkeeping information, and local variables. In a high-level language such as C, the compiler takes care of generating the code that builds and stores an activation record in the stack. In assembly, we will need to take care of the low-level details for building each activation record.

The stack protocol that we will use for the LC-3 is as follows:

In order to keep track of the top of the stack, we will use register R6. This is a convention. Therefore, your function should not modify this register unless you need to change the stack pointer. It represents the address of the element at the top of the stack. Initially, R6 is x4000. Every time something is pushed into the stack, R6 is decreased and the element is stored at the resulting address. Every time something is popped, the element at the top of the stack is retrieved and R6 is increased. You also do not want to mess with R5 since that is the frame pointer. Finally, as usual, you should not mess with R7. Because of these restrictions, you will need to be cheap with registers.

Getting Started

  1. Your TA will illustrate the stack protocol with a simple example. Pay full attention because it is easy to get lost.
  2. Make sure you fully understand the C program above before proceeding. You can also try it by downloading it from here: factorial.c. Compile it and run it with different values for Param until you are comfortable with the C implementation.
  3. Make a subdirectory called R8 for the recitation; all files should reside in this subdirectory. Copy factorial.asm to the R8 directory.
  4. The structure of the program has been provided to you. It resembles the structure of the factorial.c file shown above. We have also provided you with the function body. Your goal is to fill in the blanks (starting at Step 1 in the Main subroutine). You cannot do this blindly. You must understand what is happening at every point in the program. For programming assignment P7, you will need to implement the program essentially from scratch (no fill-in-the-blanks). If you are not drawing the stack as you complete the code, you will probably get lost. Each blank that you must fill is a single line. If you need more than one line per blank, you are doing it inefficiently and your program will not receive credit in the auto-grader.
  5. Once you have code that assembles, load it in the simulator. Before running it, try drawing what the stack looks like at different points in the program:

    The program starts by calling Factorial(4). It will get to the line labeled Checkpoint1. Draw the stack as it should appear right before this line gets executed (if an element has not been initialized or is no longer in the stack, write N/A):

    Stack 1

    Run the simulator until Checkpoint1. Go to address x4000 and check if the stack you drew agrees with the simulator.

    The program continues by calling Factorial(3). Factorial(3) will call Factorial(2), which in turn calls Factorial(1). Factorial(1) is a base case. It will get to the line labeled Checkpoint2. Draw the stack as it should appear right before this line gets executed:

    Stack 2

    Check your stack in the simulator. You may have to press Continue multiple times until you reach Checkpoint2 for Factorial(1).

  6. Run your program up to the HALT in the Main subroutine. Check that the result of Factorial(4) was stored in the Result label. It should be x0018.
  7. Turn your program in through the Checkin tab.