The textbook for this course presents a bottom-up introduction to computer
architecture, beginning with digital gates and number representation;
building up through the Von Neumann model, Instruction Set
Architecture (ISA) and assembly language; and ending with C programs
interacting with assembly programs. Most of the concepts in this
course will be reinforced through programming assignments in C.
CS 270 covers exactly the same material but in a top-down fashion since
students already have two semesters of Java programming under their belt.
In CS 270 students write a number of C programs to learn concepts by
programming them and to build confidence in the C programming
language, which is an important language used frequently in industry
and systems research. There will be at least one deliverable a week.
- May 4 (Andres) Preliminary testing for the final submission of H3 is running.
- May 3 (Andres) Cole Frederick will be taking over Andres' lab-op hours from 1pm-2pm today.
- Apr. 25 (Andres) H3 is posted and preliminary testing is running.
- Apr. 21 (Andres) Preliminary testing for H2 is running.
- Apr. 20 (Andres) Added important specifications to problem 1 in H2.
- Apr. 19 (Andres) H2 is posted. Preliminary testing is not running yet.
- Apr. 13 (Andres) Andres will be doing the Thursday help desk hours this week (1-4PM). Shannon will be doing the Sunday help desk hours (10AM-1PM).
- Apr. 5 (Andres) H1 is posted. Preliminary testing is not running yet.
- Apr. 4 (Andres) Posted exam practice materials.
- Mar. 30 (Andres) Preliminary testing for P7 is running.
- Mar. 27 (Andres) Dates for the second midterm are posted. Please refer to the syllabus.
- Mar. 14 (Andres) P7 is posted. Preliminary testing is not running yet.
- Mar. 8 (Andres) Preliminary testing for P6B is running.
- Mar. 2 (Andres) Preliminary testing for P6A is running.
- Feb. 27 (Andres) P6A is posted. Preliminary testing is not running yet.
- Feb. 24 (Andres) Preliminary testing for P5 is running.
- Feb. 20 (Andres) P5 is posted. Preliminary testing is not running yet.
- Feb. 16 (Andres) Preliminary testing for P4B is running. Updated the P4 instructions with the grading criteria for part B.
- Feb. 9 (Andres) Preliminary testing for P4A is running.
- Feb. 7 (Andres) Several announcements regarding the first midterm, R4, and P4 were made through a Canvas email.
- Feb. 6 (Andres) P4 is posted. Preliminary testing is not running yet.
- Jan. 31 (Andres) Updated the tar file for the OSX version of P3. There was a problem with the convert.a file.
- Jan. 31 (Andres) Preliminary testing for P3 is running. A corrected version of testFloat.c has been posted. Please download it and replace your current testFloat.c.
- Jan. 30 (Andres) P3 is posted. Preliminary testing is not running yet.
- Jan. 25 (Andres) A help desk hour for Dave has been added.
- Jan. 23 (Andres) P2 is posted.
- Jan. 17 (Andres) P1 is posted.
- Jan. 12 (Andres) Website under construction. Everything is subject to change!