CS270 Recitation 8
LC-3 Input and Output
- To extend your knowledge of LC-3 programming with more programming.
- To solidify your knowledge of how to use the LC-3 assembler and simulator to debug assembly code.
The Assignment
Make a subdirectory called R8 for the recitation; all files should
reside in this subdirectory. Copy R8.asm to the R8
directory. A listing of the code is shown below:
; Recitation 8
; Author: name
; Date: date
; Email: email
; Class: CS270
; Description: Converts hexadecimal number in ASCII to binary number
; Begin reserved section: do not change ANYTHING in reserved section!
.ORIG x3000
JSR read ; read number from keyboard
JSR convert ; convert to binary number
; Decinal value
Result .BLKW 1 ; space to store result
; String value
String .BLKW 4
; End reserved section: do not change ANYTHING in reserved section!
; Constants
Four .FILL 4 ; the number 4
AsciiA .FILL xFFBF ; minus ASCII 'A'
Ascii0 .FILL xFFD0 ; minus ASCII '0'
Prompt .STRINGZ "Hexadecimal: "
; read - reads four ASCII digits from console and stores them in string
read_ra .BLKW 1 ; return address
read ST R7,read_ra ; save return address
LD R1,Four ; R1 = loop counter = 4
; R2 = string pointer
; Display prompt using PUTS
loop0 ; Input character using GETC
; Output character using OUT
STR R0,R2,0 ; Store next character
; Increment pointer
ADD R1,R1,-1 ; Decrement counter
BRp loop0 ; Loop if positive
LD R7,read_ra ; restore return address
; convert - converts four ASCII digits to binary number
convert_ra .BLKW 1 ; return address
convert ; save return address
LD R1,Four ; R1 = loop counter = 4
; R2 = string pointer
; R3 = result = 0
loop1 ; R0 = load next character
LD R4,AsciiA ; Minus 'A'
ADD R4,R0,R4 ; Compare 'A'
; Branch to letter if >= 'A'
; What is true to get here?
digit LD R4,Ascii0 ; Minus '0'
ADD R4,R0,R4 ; Compare '0'
BR continue ; Processed digit
; What is true to get here?
letter ADD R4,R4,10 ; Letter to digit
continue ; result *= 16
; result += digit
; Increment pointer
; Decrement counter
BRp loop1 ; Loop if positive
ST R3,Result ; Store result
; restore return address
- Use the LC-3 assembler to transform your assembly code into
object code that can run on the LC-3 simulator:
~cs270/lc3tools/lc3as R8.asm
- Load the LC-3 simulator and the TA will help you step through
an invocation of one of the LC-3 subroutines:
~cs270/lc3tools/lc3sim-tk &
- Add code wherever there is a comment line but no assembly code.
Empty semicolons are a hint about how many instructions are needed.
- Test the program with the input values “1357”, “ABCD”, and
“A4D6”. The decimal equivalent of these numbers should be in Result
when the program hits the HALT instruction.
- Be prepared to answer the two questions in the program, no code
is required for these lines.
- Submit to the drop box in Canvas for Recitation 8 and show your
code to the TA.