
This course presents a bottom-up introduction to computer architecture, beginning with digital gates and number representation; building up through the Von Neumann model, Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and assembly language; and ending with C programs interacting with assembly programs. Most of the concepts in this course will be reinforced through programming assignments in C. In CS 270 students write a number of C programs to learn concepts by programming them and to build confidence in the C programming language, which is an important language used frequently in industry and systems research. There will be at least one deliverable a week.

May 7 (Chris) All grades are posted, working on email requests now.

May 7 (Chris) H3 and R13 (attendance) posted on Canvas.

May 7 (Chris) P8B regrade complete and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

May 6 (Chris) Survey quiz graded and posted, 100% for attendance.

May 5 (Chris) P8B can be resubmitted through 5/6 at 11:59pm for up to 75% credit.

May 4 (Chris) Q3 regraded with functional test, some scores improved.

May 4 (Chris) P8B is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

May 2 (Chris) Q3 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas, unfortunately the average was low.

Apr. 28 (Chris) Peer13 is posted on Canvas, full credit for attendance.

Apr. 24 (Chris) P8A is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Apr. 24 (Chris) Expect a Canvas announcement shortly about homeworks.

Apr. 24 (Chris) P8B is posted but you have already seen it!

Apr. 24 (Chris) Peer10/Peer11/Peer12 are graded and posted on Canvas.

Apr. 23 (Chris) R12 recitation is graded and posted on Canvas.

Apr. 21 (Fritz) Modify the fprintf() line in function asm_error() in file assembler.c to read:

      fprintf(stderr, "%3d  ERROR: ", srcLineNum);

Apr. 21 (Fritz) Save this link to your P8 directory. Then chmod +x testPass1 You now have a convenient way of comparing the output of your assembler to the master. Simply execute ./testPass1 yourTest.asm and you will see the diff between your output and the master.

Apr. 19 (Chris) Tried to fix all H2 Canvas grades.

Apr. 19 (Chris) Entered H2 paper grades, will be returned in your lab.

Apr. 17 (Chris) Progress page for next week is posted, with H3 assignment.

Apr. 17 (Chris) Peer8 and Peer9 are graded and posted on Canvas.

Apr. 14 (Fritz) Replace the printf() call in asm_print_line_info() in assembler.c by:

      printf("%3d: addr: x%04x op: %-10s DR:%3d, SR1:%3d SR2:%3d imm: %5d ref: %s\n",
          info->lineNum, info->address, lc3_get_opcode_name(info->opcode), info->DR,
          info->SR1, info->SR2, info->immediate, info->reference);

Apr. 8 (Chris) I will be out of town April 11-12, so Tue. office hours are cancelled.

Apr. 2 (Chris) Progress page for next week is posted, but P8A assignment is not final!

Apr. 2 (Chris) Q2 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas, counts as a recitation.

Apr. 2 (Chris) P7 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Apr. 1 (Chris) Second midterm grades are posted on Canvas, will be returned next lecture.

Mar. 26 (Chris) R9 is graded and posted on Canvas.

Mar. 26 (Chris) Progress page for next week is posted, with midterm review materials.

Mar. 25 (Chris) Automated grading for P7 restarted at 10:20pm.

Mar. 25 (Chris) Peer7 is graded and posted on Canvas.

Mar. 22 (Chris) Automated grading for P7 was started around 11:30am.

Mar. 21 (Chris) Welcome back from Spring Break!

Mar. 21 (Chris) R8 is graded and posted on Canvas.

Mar. 21 (Chris) P6B is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Mar. 11 (Chris) Peer5 and Peer6 are graded and posted on Canvas.

Mar. 10 (Chris) My office hours today are from 1-3pm instead of 11-1pm!

Mar. 8 (Chris) Please don't copy code on P6B, we will run the plagiarism checker.

Mar. 8 (Chris) Some points can be recovered on P6A, if you finish it as part of P6B.

Mar. 8 (Chris) There will be a help session on Mar. 20, thanks Cole!

Mar. 8 (Chris) No help session on Mar. 13, enjoy your Spring Break.

Mar. 8 (Chris) P6A is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Mar. 6 (Chris) R7 is graded based on submission to Canvas.

Feb. 29 (Chris) P5 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Feb. 28 (Chris) R5 and R6 are graded and posted Canvas.

Feb. 28 (Chris) Peer4 is graded and posted on Canvas.

Feb. 28 (Chris) Automated grading for P6A was started at 12:30pm.

Feb. 28 (Chris) Progress tab for next week is posted, including P6A.

Feb. 26 (Chris) Automated grading for P5 was restarted at 7:20pm.

Feb. 25 (Chris) Automated grading for P5 was started at 2:00pm.

Feb. 24 (Chris) Peer3 is graded and posted on Canvas.

Feb. 24 (Chris) P4 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Feb. 22 (Cole) Special help session for P4, 3-5pm in COMSC 120.

Feb. 20 (Chris) The progress page for next week is posted.

Feb. 20 (Chris) Midterm exams are graded and posted, will be returned next lecture.

Feb. 17 (Andres) My lab hours have been updated. Check the syllabus.

Feb. 17 (Chris) R4 is graded and posted Canvas, and previous problems are fixed.

Feb. 11 (Chris) P3 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Feb. 10 (Chris) Automated grading for P4 was started at 10:30am.

Feb. 10 (Chris) All grading is up to date, except student regrade inquiries.

Feb. 10 (Chris) No more paper accepted for peer instruction quizzes, you must bring iClicker.

Feb. 10 (Chris) Downloaded Peer2 scores and posted on Canvas, including paper submissions.

Feb. 10 (Chris) Downloaded Peer1 scores one more time and updated unregistered iClickers.

Feb. 8 (Chris) P4 assignment is posted, no automated testing until tomorrow.

Feb. 8 (Chris) R4 recitation is posted on the Progress tab.

Feb. 8 (Chris) R3 recitation is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Feb. 6 (Cole) SuperBowl Sunday (Feb. 7) help session moved to 1pm-3pm (before the game)

Feb. 4 (Chris) Downloaded Peer1 scores (again) and updated unregistered iClickers.

Feb. 4 (Chris) Just posted lab hours on the Syllabus tab.

Feb. 4 (Chris) If you cannot attend a makeup session, please go to help desk or lab hours.

Feb. 4 (Chris) Makeup sessions for R3 (L01 lab): Feb. 5 from 5-7pm, and Feb. 7 from 7-9pm.

Feb. 4 (Chris) R2 has been extended to Feb. 7 at 11:59pm.

Feb. 3 (Chris) R2 recitation is graded and posted on Canvas.

Feb. 3 (Chris) The due date for P3 is now 1pm on Feb. 8 (no late penalty).

Feb. 3 (Chris) I will be available today for additional office hours 2-3:30pm.

Feb. 3 (Chris) My office hours tomorrow will be changed to 2-4pm.

Feb. 1 (Chris) Extended H1 deadline to 11:59pm and added 2 more attempts.

Feb. 1 (Chris) P3 assignment is posted, and preliminary testing is running.

Feb. 1 (Chris) Regraded P2 to allow debug output, your grade may have improved!

Feb. 1 (Chris) P2 assignment is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Feb. 1 (Chris) H1 homework is graded and posted on Canvas.

Jan. 30 (Chris) Progress page for next week posted, including R3 recitation.

Jan. 28 (Chris) Please bring your iClickers to all lectures from now on.

Jan. 25 (Chris) P1 is graded and posted on Checkin and Canvas.

Jan. 24 (Chris) P2 preliminary testing is minimal, make sure and test your code yourself.

Jan. 24 (Chris) P2 assignment is posted, and preliminary testing is running.

Jan. 22 (Chris) Progress page for next week posted, except P2 assignment.

Jan. 21 (Chris) Piazza is setup, linked to Canvas, and invitations have been issued.

Jan. 21 (Chris) Just added iClicker registration to Canvas, please register yours!

Jan. 18 (Chris) Test server has been started for P1 assignment.

Jan. 17 (Chris) Labs and lecture will start on Tue., Jan. 19.

Jan. 17 (Chris) Welcome to cs270 for Spring Semester 2016!