discuss the Linux file system and play with text files.
write your "Hello World" program in C
Logging In
Login to the machine using your electronic ID (same username that you use for RamWeb).
The initial password should be your student ID number (same as nine digit number on your RamCard).
Choose "Xfce session" from the list of linux configurations in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Click "Use default configuration" when the pop-up message comes up (first log-in only).
The teaching assistant will show you how to change your password as described below.
Troubleshooting: Raise your hand if you cannot login!
Class Website
Start your preferred internet browser and type in your course URL
Note that semester that appears as part of the url!
Look at the syllabus and progress pages.
Open another tab and in the url type http://info.canvas.colostate.edu/login.aspx
Login to Canvas using your EID and password and make sure you can see this course.
Launching Applications
Your TA will show you how to launch applications and add them to the task bar.
Select "Activities" in the upper left corner of the screen, then select "Applications".
Run firefox, kate, file manager, and a terminal.
The terminal command brings up a window where you can type in Linux commands.
Note: this is similar to using the DOS command prompt on Windows.
Use the passwd command to change your password.
We recommend changing it to your RamWeb password, if possible.
Useful Terminal Commands
Your TA will show you how to use the man command. For each of the following, figure out what action is performed and try the command. Be careful with the remove command!
man - read the manual page for a command
pwd - print working directory
ls - list working directory
cd - change working directory
cp - copy file(s)
mv - move or rename file(s)
rm - remove file(s)
cat - list file(s)
less - list file(s)
diff - compare files
mkdir - make directory
Your TA will talk about launching programs from a terminal using the amperand (&), and will show you how to look at the history of commands, and how auto completetion with the tab key works.
Linux File System
Your TA will describe the Linux file system. Make sure you know each of the following shortcuts for directory names:
~ home directory
. current directory
.. parent directory
/ file extensions
Manipulating Text Files
Perform the following tasks and add to your notes to show the TA:
Create a directory in your home directory called cs270
Use gedit to create the Name.txt:
gedit Name.txt &
The file should contain one line which has your first and last name.
Save the file .
Copy Name.txt to another file called Name.bak
Compare the contents of the files by using the diff command. Are they the same? How can you tell?
Open Name.bak as a second tab in gedit.
Add a second line to Name.bak with your preferred email address.
Compare the files again. Are they the same? How can you tell?
Remove Name.txt
Move Name.bak to Name.txt
Cat the contents of Name.txt. Is your email there?
Hello World
In your cs270 directory, create an R0 directory
Using gedit, create the file hello.c with the following content:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello, World!\n");
return 0;