#include // Parameter and result int Needle = 12; int *Result; // Array definition int Count = 7; int Haystack[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14}; // Forward declaration int *BinarySearch(int x, int *loAddress, int *hiAddress); // Entry point int main() { Result = BinarySearch(Needle, Haystack, Haystack + (Count - 1)); // Print the result (you don't need to do this in assembly) if (Result) printf("Found at address %p (contains %d)\n", Result, *Result); else printf("Element not found!\n"); } // Binary search recursive function // Adapted from: http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~wagner/CS3343/recursion/binsearch.html int *BinarySearch(int x, int *loAddress, int *hiAddress) { int midOffset = 0; int *midAddress = 0; // Base case (the element was not found) if (loAddress > hiAddress) return 0; // Calculate the address of the element in the middle midOffset = (hiAddress - loAddress) / 2; midAddress = loAddress + midOffset; // Have we found the element? if (x == *midAddress) { // We have found it! return midAddress; } else if (x < *midAddress) { // We haven't found it: continue on the lower half return BinarySearch(x, loAddress, midAddress - 1); } else { // We haven't found it: continue on the upper half return BinarySearch(x, midAddress + 1, hiAddress); } }