CS 270, Fall 2014
Homework Assignment HW2
Combinational Circuits
Assignment due Sunday, Sep. 28 at 10:00pm, no late submissions accepted.
This homework has been added as a RamCT automated test. Please login to RamCT
and find Theory Homeworks on the left tabs, then perform the
Homework 2 test. You are allowed three attempts, with no time limit.
50% of the points come from the quiz. This assignment also requires you to
design four circuits in Logisim, and bring a printout of them to your
recitation on Oct. 1-3. 50% of the points come from these circuits. For
your convenience, we have made a Microsoft .doc file that you can paste
schematics (exported from Logisim) into here.
We will discuss the format for this in class.
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