Michelle Strout mstrout The CDsummary program reads in a comma-delimited list of CD titles and authors and prints a summary to standard out of how many CDs are associated with each author. BUILD To build the program from source, use the following commands at the linux shell prompt: % make The above will create the CDsummary executable and run the following unit tests: test_my_cd, test_my_foo, and test_sum_cd. USAGE The following command will run the CDsummary executable on the input file mycds.txt: % ./CDsummary mycds.txt Madonna 1 Def Leppard 2 Notice that CDsummary generates output directly to standard out. INPUT FILE FORMAT The CD input files should contain one album and artist pair on each line. The album name should be followed by a comma. Here is an example: Hysteria, Def Leppard Music, Madonna Pyromania, Def Leppard TESTING Each of the helper functions used to implement the CDsummary program have a corresponding unit test driver. Those drivers test 2-5 possible inputs and check that the outputs are correct. More unit testing could definitely be used. There are also some regression tests, which can be run with the script run-regress. % ./run-regress