CS253: Software Development with C++

Spring 2019

Memory Segments

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CS253 Memory Segments

Mnemosyne, goddess of memory


Text: executable code

Data: initialized static data

BSS: uninitialized static data

Stack: local variables

Heap: allocated via new


int a, b=45;
const int c = 299'792'458;

int main() {
    static double d, e = 2.7182818284590452353;
    long *f = new long[10];
    vector<int> g = {123,456,789};

    cout << "&exit: " << (void *) &exit  << "\n"
            "&c:    " << &c    << "\n\n"
            "&b:    " << &b    << "\n"
            "&e:    " << &e    << "\n"
            "&cout: " << &cout << "\n\n"
            "&a:    " << &a    << "\n"
            "&d:    " << &d    << "\n\n"
            "&f[0]: " << &f[0] << "\n"
            "&g[0]: " << &g[0] << "\n\n"
            "&g:    " << &g    << "\n"
            "&f:    " << &f    << "\n";
    delete[] f;
&exit: 0x400950
&c:    0x401518

&b:    0x603090
&e:    0x603098
&cout: 0x6030a0

&a:    0x6031b8
&d:    0x6031c0

&f[0]: 0x25ac2b0
&g[0]: 0x25ac310

&g:    0x7ffe62ca3f50
&f:    0x7ffe62ca3f70

User: Guest

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Modified: 2019-05-12T16:29

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