
This file defines the header for each page. An optional "icon" image (I use the textbook):

Replace this with info about this class:

CS253: Problem Solving with C++

Spring 2013


Links to the various pages for this class:

Wish I could do this: * Schedule

Heckendorn’s Law

Heckendorn’s Law is based on a saying of the great Robert Heckendorn:

Never emit a constant error message

That is, don’t do this:

    ifstream in(filename);
    if (!in) {
        cerr << "Bad file\n";
        return 1;

Imagine the frustration of the user who reads this uninformative message. Which file is bad? What was wrong with it? What was the file trying to do with the file? What program was running, anyway?

There’s always more information that you can provide:

Modified: 2013-02-09T20:26

User: Guest

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