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The Student Disablity Center (SDC),
formerly Resources for Disabled Students (RDS),
is in charge of accommodations and support for students.
Uniformity = boring
- We don’t all fit into the same mold.
- Blind students need assignments read to them, or translated to braille.
- Deaf students need the lectures transcribed or interpreted.
- Some students have trouble writing, and so need extra time for tests.
- etc.
The Effects
- Classroom
Some students bring an interpreter or a service animal.
- Tests/quizzes
Some students take tests or quizzes in a quiet room at the SDC.
- Homework
- Lab/recitation
In general, for this class, homework and lab/recitation schedules
have sufficient time built in that SDC students are not
permitted extra time. There are always exceptions.
The Process
- Discuss your medical/psychological/emotional issue with SDC;
show them documentation from doctors, mental health professionals,
504 plan, etc.
- Not me! I’m an engineer, not a doctor!
- Reasonable accomodation are decided upon.
- SDC writes a letter detailing your accommodations.
- You give me a copy of this accomodation letter.
- Do this each semester. There is no carry-over.
- We apply the general letter to this specific course.
- Start early, well before you need it.
Bureaucracies are slow.
What this isn’t
- This isn’t about a short-term problem, like the flu or a sprained ankle.
- For something like that, let me know, and supply documentation, such as a
note from a doctor or other medical professional, accident report from the
police, etc.