CS253: Software Development with C++

Fall 2019


Show Lecture.Threads as a slide show.

CS253 Threads


Simple task

This small program counts the numbers under a billion that are divisible by seventeen, and shows how long that took to run.

int count = 0;
for (int i=1; i<=1e9; i++)
    count += (i % 17 == 0);
cout << count << '\n';

Real time: 743 ms

Of course it’s a stupid program. The result is ⌊10⁹ ÷ 17⌋ = 58823529.


// How many CPUs?
cout << thread::hardware_concurrency();

How it Usually Works


int count_them(int start, int count) {
    int found = 0;
    for (int i=start; i<start+count; i++)
        found += (i % 17 == 0);
    return found;

int main() {
    vector<future<int>> counts;
    const auto block = 1e9 / thread::hardware_concurrency();
    for (int b=1; b<=1e9; b+=block)
        counts.emplace_back(async(count_them, b, block));
    int total = 0;
    for (auto &w : counts)
        total += w.get();
    cout << total << '\n';

Real time: 172 ms


Remember to:


We’ve just scratched the surface. Other cool stuff:

integral types which can be safely incremented in threads without problems from a race condition
mutexes, for mutual exclusion, which guard critical sections of code that musn’t run in several threads simutaneously
blocking and resuming threads until it’s ok for them to run
general thread control: creation, status, killing, joining, etc.