Final Practice Quiz - Graphs
Make sure that you are in the quizspace.
While practicing this quiz, Do not:
use other labs or assignments
interact with other students
use the internet
use personal devices
Create a
project and import PQ5-starter.jar.
Your directory should look like this:
PQ5/ └── src └──
Read over the
method which has anArrayList<Nodes>
created by thebuildGraph()
The nodes in the graph are connected in a manner similar to a ternary tree, with a left, center, and right reference.
You should not modify the test code in main or the buildGraph() method.
Add a field of type boolean to the Node class to keep track of whether or not the node has been visited
Implement the depthFirst() method. Test your code using the main method. If you have followed the directions correctly the letters will spell a message.
Do not hardcode anything, we will test your program using a completely different graph! |
Once complete, submit
to Checkin.