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addMovie(Movie) - Method in class MovieLibrary
Adds a movie to the instance/member variable


equals(Object) - Method in class Movie
equalsIgnoresOrder(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class Movie
Helper method to compare lists.


FileParser - Class in <Unnamed>
Created by garethhalladay on 8/26/17
FileParser() - Constructor for class FileParser
filterMoviesByRating(int, int, Rating.ReviewType) - Method in class MovieLibrary
A method that creates a new list of movies in the range of the lowestRating and highestRating (inclusive).
filterMoviesByRating(int, Rating.ReviewType) - Method in class MovieLibrary
Similar to MovieLibrary.filterMoviesByRating(int, int, Rating.ReviewType) but only returns movies that have a rating greater than or equal to the lowestRating.
formatKeyWords(List<KeyWord>) - Static method in class MovieLibrary
A Helper method to format KeyWords, 5 per line.
formatMovies(List<Movie>) - Static method in class MovieLibrary
Takes a list of movies and returns a String with each movies toString separated by a newline.


getActors() - Method in class Movie
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getAllMovies(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class FileParser
getAudienceScore() - Method in class Rating
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getAverageRating() - Method in class Rating
Returns the average rating between both the critics and the audience.
getCriticScore() - Method in class Rating
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getDescriptions(List<Movie>) - Static method in class MovieLibrary
A movie description is defined as: Title (one line) genres (one line) keywords (5 per line, one or more lines) Use the provided helper method formatKeyWords to format the keywords.
getFrequency() - Method in class KeyWord
Gets the int instance representing the frequency.
getGenres() - Method in class Movie
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getKeyWords() - Method in class Movie
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getLabel() - Method in class KeyWord
Gets the String instance representing the keyword.
getMovies() - Method in class MovieLibrary
Getter method for the corresponding member variable
getNumAudience() - Method in class Rating
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getNumCritics() - Method in class Rating
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getRating() - Method in class Movie
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getTitle() - Method in class Movie
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.
getYear() - Method in class Movie
Getter method to return the corresponding member variable.


hashCode() - Method in class Movie
When you override the equals method, you should override the hashCode.


KeyWord - Class in <Unnamed>
Created by garethhalladay 08/2017 for a recitation in CS165 at Colorado State University to increase the understanding of Objects and OO concepts in Java.
KeyWord(String, int) - Constructor for class KeyWord
Constructor for the KeyWord class.


main(String[]) - Static method in class FileParser
main(String[]) - Static method in class KeyWord
main(String[]) - Static method in class Movie
main(String[]) - Static method in class MovieLibrary
main(String[]) - Static method in class Rating
Movie - Class in <Unnamed>
Created by garethhalladay on 8/24/17.
Movie(String, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class Movie
Adds basic information for a Movie.
Movie(String, int, List<String>, List<String>, Rating, List<KeyWord>) - Constructor for class Movie
Constructor includes basic information + genres, rating and keywords.
MovieLibrary - Class in <Unnamed>
Created by garethhalladay on 8/24/17
MovieLibrary() - Constructor for class MovieLibrary
A constructor that allocates memory for the instance/member variable


Rating - Class in <Unnamed>
Created by garethhalladay on 8/27/17
Rating(double, int, double, int) - Constructor for class Rating
Constructor for ratings.
Rating() - Constructor for class Rating
noargs constructor in case the movie was not rated.
Rating.ReviewType - Enum in <Unnamed>
ReviewType enum that allows users to distinguish between CRITIC, AUDIENCE, or an average of both


toString() - Method in class KeyWord
Returns a string representation for the KeyWord class.
toString() - Method in class Movie
String that describes the title, release year, and actors (5 per line).
toString() - Method in class Rating
A String representing the Rating class.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Rating.ReviewType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum Rating.ReviewType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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