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completeProject() - Method in class Project
Each day, so long as the project is not complete (while there are still lines of code to write or test) add one day to the daysWorkedSoFar of the project (hint: check out the instance variables) call each employee's work method.


Employee - Class in <Unnamed>
The Employee class contains functionality common to types of employees in the company.
Employee(String, String, int) - Constructor for class Employee
Remember, objects from the abstract class cannot be instantiated.


getAverageLinesOfCode() - Method in class Employee
Returns the average number of lines of code an employee can write or test.
getFirstName() - Method in class Employee
Returns the first name of the employee.
getLastName() - Method in class Employee
Returns the last name of the employee.


linesNeededPerDay() - Method in class Project
Helps assigns programmers and testers to the project.


main(String[]) - Static method in class Project


Programmer - Class in <Unnamed>
Programmer is a concrete class that extends from the abstract class Employee.
Programmer(String, String, int) - Constructor for class Programmer
Explicitly invoke the Employee constructor.
Project - Class in <Unnamed>
Originated for CS161 in 2015
modified by garethhalladay on 9/21/17
Project(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Project
Creates a new instance of a Project.
Project(int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class Project


randomBetween(double, double) - Method in class Employee
A helper method to return a random whole number inclusively between two bounds.


Tester - Class in <Unnamed>
Tester is a concrete class that extends from the abstract class Employee.
Tester(String, String, int) - Constructor for class Tester
Explicitly invoke the Employee constructor.
toString() - Method in class Employee
A string representation of an employee.
toString() - Method in class Project
A string representation of a particular project.


work() - Method in class Employee
The amount of work an employee does each day.
work() - Method in class Programmer
The programmer writes between 50% and 150% averageLinesOfCode each day (captured by the corresponding instance variable in the Employee class).
work() - Method in class Tester
The tester tests between 75% and 125% averageLinesOfCode each day (captured by the corresponding instance variable in the Employee class).
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