Late Thursday, Jun. 28th at 8:00 am
Objectives of this Assignment
- To practice for, while, and do while loops.
This assignment is a practice session for writing loops. Computers are
outstanding at doing repetitive tasks, thus loops are very common in all
types of code. We will practice loops on the characters in a string in
recitation this week, and this assignment will allow you use loops in
more creative ways.
Create a P5 project in Eclipse then write a class P5 with
a main method, and copy the following code into the class (not in the main
// Method to check whether an integer is prime.
public static boolean isPrime(int number) {
for(int i=2;i<=number/2;i++)
return false;
return true;
// Method to print primes in a specified range
public static void printPrimes(int start, int end) {
// add code here
// Method to remove vowels from a string
public static String removeVowels(String input) {
// add code here
// Method to generate and print the value of a number raised to an exponent
public static double evaluateExponent(double number, int exponent) {
// add code here
// Method to find and print the minimum/maximum/mean of a set of positive numbers
public static void computeStatistics(int sentinel) {
// add code here
Next, implement each of the methods shown above, according to these instructions:
- Inside the method iterate over the specified (inclusive) range using a for loop.
- Call the isPrime method for each number in the range.
- If isPrime returns true for the number, print the number followed by a comma and space.
- It is expected that the last prime number will be followed by a comma and space.
- After the loop has completed, print a newline.
- Declare a string variable for the return value, and initialize it to "".
- Use a for loop to iterate over all the characters in the supplied string.
- Use a conditional or switch statement to check whether the character is a vowel.
- The vowels are a/e/i/o/u, uppercase or lowercase.
- If it is a vowel, do nothing, otherwise add the character to the return string.
- After the loop has completed, return the string.
- Declare a double variable called result and initialize it to 1.0;
- If the exponent parameter is 0, return the result immediately.
- You do not need to handle a negative exponent value.
- Otherwise declare an integer variable called loop and initialize it to 0.
- Write a do while loop, as follows:
- Inside the loop:
- Multiply the result times the number.
- Increment the loop variable.
- The terminating condition is when loop is equal to exponent.
- After the loop has completed, return the result.
- Declare and initialize a Scanner to read from the keyboard.
- Declare an integer variable called value and initialize it to 0.
- Declare an integer variable called count and initialize it to 0.
- Declare a double variable called mean and initialize it to 0.0.
- Declare an integer variable called minimum and set it equal to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
- Declare an integer variable called maximum and set it equal to Integer.MIN_VALUE;
- Write a while loop that never terminates!
- Inside the loop:
- Read in an integer value from the keyboard, without prompting.
- If the value equals the sentinel (for example, -1), exit the loop with a break statement.
- If value is smaller than minimum, assign the value to minimum.
- If value is larger than maximum, assign the value to maximum.
- Add the value to the mean.
- Increment the count.
- After the loop has completed, divide the mean by the count.
- Print "Count: " and the value of count, with a newline.
- Print "Average: " and the value of mean to 1 decimal place, with a newline.
- Print "Maximum: " and the value of maximum, with a newline.
- Print "Minimum: " and the value of minimum, with a newline.
You should test your code by calling each of the methods in main. We have provided
a minimal test and the output below:
Testing code
This code you can copy into your main method for testing. It is fine to
leave the testing code in when you submit.
// Preliminary testing
printPrimes(1, 50);
double result = evaluateExponent(2.0,16);
System.out.println("2.0 to the 16 = " + result);
User input is shown in green:
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47,
2.0 to the 16 = 65536.0
Count: 6
Average: 35.0
Maximum: 60
Minimum: 10
Your program must meet the following specifications:
- Work on your own, as always.
- The name of the source code file must be exactly
- Assignments should be implemented using Eclipse.
- Assignments should be implemented using Java 1.8.
- Make sure your code runs on machines in the COMCS 120 lab.
- Submit your program to the Checkin tab as you were shown in the recitation.
- Read the syllabus for the late policy.
- We will be checking programs for plagiarism, so please don't copy from anyone else.
- HINT: Here is a rough count of lines of code for each method, including
lines with curly braces, print statements, loops, etc.:
- printPrimes - 4 lines, including for loop
- removeVowels - 13 lines, including switch statement
- evaluateExponent - 19 lines, with variable declarations
- computeStatistics - 21 lines, with print statements
Grading Criteria
- 100 points for perfect submission.
- 0 points for no submission, will not compile, submitted class file, etc.
- The preliminary testing for this assignment is limited to the following:
- Preliminary Tests
- compileTest: checks that program compiles. (0 points)
- Note: The compile test will pass only if you implement all methods with the correct signature.
- test1: Tests printPrimes with values selected by the instructor. (25 points)
- test2: Tests removeVowels with strings selected by one of the teaching assistants. (25 points)
- Final Tests
- test3: Tests evaluateExponent with a maximum selected by committee. (25 points)
- test4: Tests computeStatistics with a set of values from a random passerby. (25 points)
- Final grading includes the preliminary tests.
Submit to the Checkin tab.