CS 163/164, Summer 2018
Programming Assignment - P4
Tax Computation
Due Monday, Jun. 25th at 6:00 pm
Late Tuesday, Jun. 26th at 8:00 am
Objectives of this Assignment
- To teach you to read input from the keyboard,
- to see if you can figure out an algorithm,
- to learn how to use conditionals (if/else if/else) statements,
- to print formatted output, and
- to understand how progressive taxation works!
The program allows the user to input some of the information that normally appears on
a tax form, then it calculates a tax bill according to the formulas described below.
WARNING: Be aware that the tax computation shown here is greatly simplified and
should not be used for calculation of your real taxes!
For this assignment, you must follow directions exactly. Create a P4 project in Eclipse
then write a class P4 with a main method, and put all of the following code into the main method:
- Instantiate a single Scanner object to read console input.
- Declare doubles for the gross salary, interest income, and capital gains.
- Declare an integer for the number of exemptions.
- Declare doubles for the total income, adjusted income, federal tax, and state tax.
- Print the prompt shown below and ask the user for their gross salary.
- The gross salary represents dollars, which can be entered with or without decimal points.
- Print the prompt shown below and ask the user for the number of exemptions.
- The number of exemptions is an integer.
- Print the prompt shown below and ask the user for their interest income.
- The interest income represents dollars, which can be entered with or without decimal points.
- Print the prompt shown below and ask the user for their capital gains income.
- The capital gains represents dollars, which can be entered with or without decimal points.
- Perform the calculation of federal total income, as shown in the Formula section.
- Perform the calculation of the federal adjusted income, as shown in the Formula section.
- Perform the calculation of the federal total tax, as shown in the Formula section.
- Perform the calculation of the state income tax, as shown in the Formula section.
- Print out the total income, adjusted income, total tax, and state tax.
- You may use integer or floating point for the computations.
- The output should always report exactly 2 digits after the decimal, so use System.out.printf.
- Your program should be accurate to within $0.01.
- Use variables to store everything, don't try to do all the calculation in a print statement!
- Do not hard code values, we will test your program with different values.
- You do not need to handle a negative adjusted income.
- The example below shows four lines of user input (in blue font), with prompts, followed by
four lines of program output (in black font).
Salary: 92768.54
Exemptions: 8
Interest: 1234.50
Gains: 4400.99
Total Income: $93404.03
Adjusted Income: $84404.03
Total Tax: $15033.13
State Tax: $5486.26
HINT: A helpful visual aid for the math portion is here.
- Total Income = Gross Salary + Interest Income + Capital Gains - $5000.00
- if (Number of Exemptions > 6) Number of Exemptions = 6
- Adjusted Income = Total Income - (Number of Exemptions * 1500.00)
Total Tax computation:
- 0% on Adjusted Income greater than equal to $0 and less than $20,000 +
- 13% on Adjusted Income greater than equal to $20,000 and up to $35,000 +
- 23% on Adjusted Income greater than equal to $35,000 and up to $50,000 +
- 28% of Adjusted Income greater than equal to $50,000
For the example above, we compute the Total Tax in the example above as follows:
13% * (35,000.00-20,000.00) = 1,950.00
23% * (50,000.00-35,000.00) = 3,450.00
28% * (84,404.03-50,000.00) = 9,633.13
Adding up the above we get a Total Tax of $15,033.13. That's a chunk of change!
You can see the results of our other computations in output shown above.
State Tax = Adjusted Income * 6.5%
- Work on your own, as always.
- The name of the source code file must be exactly
- Name the file exactly - upper and lower case matters!
- Comments at the top as shown above.
- Assignments should be implemented using Eclipse.
- Assignments should be implemented using Java, version 1.8.
- Make sure your code runs on machines in the CSB 120 lab.
- Turn in through the Checkin tab.
- Read the syllabus for the late policy.
- We will be checking programs for plagiarism, so please don't copy from anyone else.
Grading Criteria
- 100 points for perfect submission.
- 0 points for no submission, will not compile, submitted class file, etc.
- Preliminary Tests use the input data shown in the example output above.
- compileTest: checks that program compiles. (0 points)
- test1: checks gross salary prompt and input. (5 points)
- test2: checks number of exemptions prompt and input. (5 points)
- test3: checks interest income prompt and input. (5 points)
- test4: checks capital gains prompt and input. (5 points)
- test5: checks output of total income, including label. (10 points)
- test6: checks output of adjusted income, including label. (10 points)
- test7: checks output of total tax, including label. (10 points)
- test8: checks output of state tax, including label. (10 points)
- Final Tests use arbitrary input data selected by us!
- test9: checks output of total income, using different inputs. (10 points)
- test10: checks output of adjusted income, using different inputs. (10 points)
- test11: checks output of total tax, using different inputs. (10 points)
- test12: checks output of state tax, using different inputs. (10 points)
- Final grading includes the preliminary tests.
Submit P4.java to the Checkin tab.