Class ConsoleView

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConsoleView extends Object implements GameView
The console view provides a specific implementation of writing output to the the Console / System.out The only methods implemented are those that match the GameView interface.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConsoleView

      public ConsoleView()
  • Method Details

    • splashScreen

      public void splashScreen()
      Prints a splashScreen that is called at the launch of the game. Students: you can make the splashScreen anything you want.
      Specified by:
      splashScreen in interface GameView
    • endGame

      public void endGame()
      Prints a goodbye message for completing the game.
      Specified by:
      endGame in interface GameView
    • displayMainMenu

      public String displayMainMenu()
      Displays a "menu" for the player. Really, for text based games this was often just a simple question. The following question will be displayed
           What would you like to do?
      The clients response will be recorded, and returned out of the method.

      Remember that Scanner connected to, should be a class instance variable (look back to Practical 1)

      Specified by:
      displayMainMenu in interface GameView
      the clients response, as an entire line.
      See Also:
    • printHelp

      public void printHelp()
      Prints the help menu. The options are as follows.
       Unsure what to do, here are some options:
                  ls or list all  - listing the knights
                  list active  - list the active knights knights only
                  show name or id - show the knight details card
                  set active name or id - set knight as active (note: only 4 knights can be active) 
                  remove active name or id - remove a knight from active status (heals knight)
                  explore or adventure or quest - find random monsters to fight
                  save filename - save the game to the file name (default: saveData.csv)
                  exit or goodbye - to leave the game
       Game rules: You can have four active knights. As long as they are active, they won't heal, 
       but they can gain XP by going on adventures.
       When you make a knight inactive, they will heal. How many monsters can you defeat 
       before, you have to heal?  
      Note the space before the options is the tab character.
      Specified by:
      printHelp in interface GameView
    • listKnights

      public void listKnights(List<Knight> knights)
      Lists the knights by id: name. Example:
       1: Guinevere
       2: Morrigan Ravenskind
       3: Eriu
       4: Danu of Ireland
       5: Fodla
       6: Banba
       7: Igraine of the Lake
       8: Anna of the Mountains
       9: Morgan la Fay
       10: Elaine Pendragon
       11: Morgawse
       12: Arthur
       13: Lancelot
       14: Gwain
       15: Argodras the Red
       16: The Green Knight
       17: Cam the Ram
      If no knights are found, it prints the following:
       No knights to list
      Specified by:
      listKnights in interface GameView
      knights - a set of knights to list
      See Also:
    • knightNotFound

      public void knightNotFound()
           Knight not found!
      To the console.
      Specified by:
      knightNotFound in interface GameView
    • showKnight

      public void showKnight(Knight knight)
      Prints a knight to the console, plus a blank line.
      Specified by:
      showKnight in interface GameView
      knight - the knight whose card is meant to print
      See Also:
    • setActiveFailed

      public void setActiveFailed()
      Prints the following message:
           Unable to set active knight. Only four can be active at a time.
      Specified by:
      setActiveFailed in interface GameView
    • printBattleText

      public void printBattleText(List<MOB> monsters, List<Knight> activeKnights)
      Lists a number of knights side by side with their 'foes' (aka monsters). Example:
       Our heroes come across the following monsters. Prepare for battle!
       Knights                     Foes
       Guinevere                   Umber Hulk
       Danu of Ireland
       Our heroes come across the following monsters. Prepare for battle!
       Knights                     Foes
       Danu of Ireland             Frost Giant
       Arthur                      Orc
       Gwain                       Frost Giant
      Specified by:
      printBattleText in interface GameView
      monsters - a list of MOB objects
      activeKnights - a list of Knight objectsw
    • printBattleText

      public void printBattleText(MOB dead)
      Prints that the MOB was defeated. Examples
           Frost Giant was defeated!
           Arthur was defeated!
      Specified by:
      printBattleText in interface GameView
      dead - the defeated MOB
    • printFortunes

      public void printFortunes(List<Knight> activeKnights)
      Prints fortunes for the knight that they draw at the beginning of the quest. Examples:
       For this quest, our knights drew the following fortunes!
       Danu of Ireland drew
       |Justice               |
       |HP Bonus:           +5|
       |AC Bonus:           +2|
       |Hit Bonus:          +1|
       |Damage Adj:          -|
       Arthur drew
       |Nobility              |
       |HP Bonus:          +10|
       |AC Bonus:           +1|
       |Hit Bonus:          +1|
       |Damage Adj:          -|
       Gwain drew
       |Obedience             |
       |HP Bonus:           +0|
       |AC Bonus:           +3|
       |Hit Bonus:          +1|
       |Damage Adj:          -|
      Specified by:
      printFortunes in interface GameView
      activeKnights - A List of Knights
    • checkContinue

      public boolean checkContinue()
      Checks with the user by asking if they want to continue their quest.
           Would you like to continue on your quest (y/n)? 
      Specified by:
      checkContinue in interface GameView
      true if the client types y, or yes - else false for anything else.
    • printDefeated

      public void printDefeated()
      Prints when all knights are defeated
           All active knights have been defeated!
      Specified by:
      printDefeated in interface GameView