Interface Attributes
public interface Attributes
Basic "attributes" or stats used throughout the game. Anything that utilizes the states (MobileObjects, Buffs, etc)
should implement this interface, so the various stats can be applied. For this version of the game,
the stats are
- armor
- max Health (Hit Points / HP)
- damage die used in attacks
- hit modifier - modifier to roll to hit
Method Details
int getArmor()Gets the armor attribute value, often between 8-20 for a D20 system, but not fixed.- Returns:
- whole number value of the armor stat
int getMaxHP()Gets the maximum hit points attribute. While HP can go over max, they should always be reset to maxHP- Returns:
- whole number value of the HP
DiceType getDamageDie()Gets the Damage Die Type- Returns:
- a DiceType often ranging from D4-D12
int getHitModifier()Modifier to apply to "to hit" roles before calculate hits- Returns:
- whole number value of the modifier