, while
, and do-while
loops, and for(int i = 5; i < 30; i+=5) System.out.println(i);Question 2) What does the following loop output?
int j = 0; while (j <= 8) { System.out.println(++j); // preincrement operator! }Question 3) What does the following loop output?
for (int k = 7; k >= 0; k--); System.out.println(k); // are you sure?Question 4) What does the following loop output?
for (int l = 0; l > 0; l++) System.out.println(l);Question 5) What does the following loop output?
int m = 0; do { System.out.println(m--); // postincrement operator } while (m > 0);Your teaching assistant will discuss the output of each of the loops.
Complete the following tasks and show your program to a TA when you are finished.
public static void reverseString(String s) { // add code here } public static void printAscii(char start, char end) { // add code here } public static double raiseToPower(double number, int exponent) { // add code here return 0; // need to change this... }
// Test reverseString String forward = "Java Programming rules!"; System.out.print("Forward string: "); System.out.println(forward); System.out.print("Reverse string: "); reverseString(forward); // Test printAscii System.out.println("ASCII Table"); printAscii('!', '9'); // Test raiseToPower System.out.printf("3.0 to the 5 = %.3f\n", raiseToPower(3.0, 5)); System.out.printf("2.5 to the 2 = %.3f\n", raiseToPower(2.5, 2));
Forward string: Java Programming rules! Reverse string: !selur gnimmargorP avaJ ASCII Table 33: ! 34: " 35: # 36: $ 37: % 38: & 39: ' 40: ( 41: ) 42: * 43: + 44: , 45: - 46: . 47: / 48: 0 49: 1 50: 2 51: 3 52: 4 53: 5 54: 6 55: 7 56: 8 57: 9 3.0 to the 5 = 243.000 2.5 to the 2 = 6.250