Colorado State University

CS160: Foundations in Programming: Spring 2015

Recitation R2 - Java Expressions, Strings, and Scanners

The goals of this lab are as follows:

Getting Started

Create a new Java Project named R2, and make a class named R2.

Java Expressions

Your TA will help you to print out the values of the following mathematical expressions: Think about the above behavior and be prepared to answer the following questions:
  1. Explain the difference (or lack of it) in the result of 15 / 4, 15.0 / 4.0 and 15.0 / 4.
  2. Explain the difference (or lack of it) in the result of 4 - 8 * 3 and (4 - 8) * 3.
  3. Explain the result of 0.1 + 0.2 - 0.3

Overview of Simple String Methods

You TA will discuss the follow String methods:

Today's assignment

IMPORTANT: This code is what will be graded. Comment out all previous work before submitting (using: // or /* */). You are free to borrow code that you've already written. If you have any doubts or questions, ask the TA:

A) Create a Scanner object.
B) Create an integer variable called i and initialize it to 0.
C) Create a double variable called d and initialize it to 0.0.
D) Do the following two things:
Print the prompt "Enter an integer: " using System.out.print().
Use the Scanner object you created to read in an integer to i.
E) Print "You entered: " followed by the value of the integer variable i.
F) Do the following two things:
Print the prompt "Now enter a double: " using System.out.print().
Use the Scanner object you created to read in a double to d.
G) Print "Now you entered: " followed by the value of d, formatted to two decimal places.
H) Create a String variable myString and initialize to "Babushka".
I) Print the result of calling length() on myString.
J) Print the result of calling charAt() on myString to print third character in myString.
K) Print the result of calling indexOf() on myString to print the index of 'k' in myString.
L) Print the result of calling toUpperCase() on myString.

You must submit your program using the Checkin tab on the course website.
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