Recitation R22
- Miscellaneous Java
Spring 2014
CS160: Foundations in Programming
The purpose of this lab is to practice some miscellaneous Java language features, and to write
numerical conversion code to manipulate binary numbers.
- Literals: decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary
- Binary operators
- Number Conversion
- Wrapper classes
Miscellaneous Java
Binary Literals
Java allows programmers to specify ints, doubles and chars down to the bit level. There are four kinds of
numeric literals in Java: decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), octal (base 8), and binary (base 2).
Create an R22 project in Eclipse and an associated class. Define each of the four variables exactly as
shown below and print them using System.out.println(<variable>);
to verify the decimal
values. Now print them again in binary and see what you get, using
- Decimal, base 10, is the literal we have been using since the start of class:
int decimal = 10; // deci == 10 (base 10)
- Hexadecimal, base 16, is written starting with 0x and digits go from 0 to 9 then A to F.
int hexadecimal = 0xFB25; // hex == 64293 (base 10)
- Octal, base 8, is written starting with an extra 0 out front, and digits go from 0 to 7.
int octal = 0127; // oct == 87 (base 10)
- Binary, base 2, is written starting with 0b and digits are either 0 or 1.
int binary = 0b10111000; // bin == 184 (base 10)
Bitwise Operations
In addition to the operators +, -, *, /, &&, || that we you have previously learned, there are also
the bitwise operators shown below. Copy the left side of each equality comparison into a
statement and
verify the answers shown.
- Bitwise shift left, A << B, shifts the bits in A left by B places
0b0101 << 1 == 0b1010
- Bitwise shift right, A >> B, shifts the bits in A right by B places
0b1010 >> 1 == 0b0101
- Bitwise AND, &, performs the AND operation on all bits in A and B
0b1100 & 0b0101 == 0b0100
- Bitwise OR, A | B, performs the OR operation on all bits in A and B
0b1100 | 0b0101 == 0b1101
- Bitwise XOR, A ^ B, performs the XOR operation on all bits in A and B
0b1100 ^ 0b0101 == 0b1001
Writing a Number Converter
- The TA will show you a simple algorithm for converting a number between bases.
- Implement methods with the following signatures and test them in main.
// This converts an int (decimal value) to a String representing the binary value
public static String toBinaryString(int decimalNumber){ }
// This converts a String representing a binary value to an int (decimal value)
public static int parseBinaryString(String binaryString){ }
Wrapper Classes
While primitives are the fundamental units of data in Java, they lack the functionality of classes like String.
Wrapper classes such as Integer, Double, Character, and Boolean are designed
to give primitives extra functionality. You have already used the Character class to find out if a character
is an uppercase or lowercase letter, digit, etc. One of the most useful features of these classes is parsing,
for example parseInteger(String s), parseDouble(String s), and parseBoolean(String s).
These methods convert Strings into their associated primitive representations, thus making it
unnecessary to write number conversion.
For this part of the lab, call the Integer methods parseInt(String s, int radix), toBinaryString(int value),
and toHexString(int value) to check your code from above. Your results should be the same as the results
from the Integer methods, though you may have additional leading zeros.
Show your program to the TA for grading and submit to RamCT to get credit for this lab.
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