
The purpose of the CS160 course is to introduce students to fundamental concepts in computer science. Concepts from theory, programming and architecture will be interleaved to show how software and hardware complement each other. Theory will provide the basis for understanding the software and hardware design. The course will adopt a problem solving focus with an integrated view of the computer. For programming, the course covers the basic Java syntax and language features, compilation, interpretation, execution, primitive data types, class and object usage, parameter passing, flow of control constructs and arrays. For theory, the course will cover sets, functions, logic, simple proof and invariants. Architecture concepts will include simple computer models, data representations and memory models.


Section 001
Instructor: Laura Adams
Office: COMSC 248
Office Hours: Mon. noon-1:00pm, Fri. 10:00-11:00am
Lecture: 9:00-9:50am, MWF, CLARK A203

Section 002
Instructor: Chris Wilcox
Office: COMSC 256
Office Hours: Thu. 11:00am-12:00pm
Lecture: 12:00-12:50pm, MWF, CLARK A201

May. 16 (Chris) I will be available via email off and on all summer.

May. 16 (Chris) Final letter grades have been submitted to registrar.

May. 14 (Chris) Final letter grades and total points are posted on RamCT, will be submitted to registrar tomorrow.

May. 13 (Chris) The final exam grades are posted on RamCT.

May. 13 (Chris) All grades are posted except the final exam.

May. 12 (Chris) Please send all regrade requests or other inquiries about recitation grades before Tuesday noon.

May. 10 (Chris) My incorrect setup of RamCT is leading to many emails requesting regrades or recitation points, we will try and get all of these handled before Tuesday night.

May. 10 (Chris) Several Quiz 6 submissions were not graded automatically, please send me email if yours was missed.

May. 9 (Chris) Quiz 6 is graded and posted to RamCT and the Checkin tab.

May. 9 (Chris) RamCT is now reporting correct total points, including missed work.

May. 8 (Chris) Answers to all Peer Instruction quizzes are posted on Programs tab.

May. 7 (Chris) Automated grading for Q5 has been enabled again in case you want to practice.

May. 7 (Rahul) RamCT is now dropping the lowest grade for programming quizzes.

May. 7 (Rahul) Recitation 21 have been graded and posted on RamCT.

May. 7 (Chris) P8 grades have been posted on RamCT and the Checkin tab.

May. 1 (Chris) Quiz 4 is graded and posted, emails are going out shortly.

Apr. 29 (Rahul) Recitation 19, 20 and Programing Assignment 7 are graded and posted.

Apr. 29 (Chris) Preliminary testing for P8 is up and running.

Apr. 26 (Chris) An example program that may help you with P7 is posted on Programs tab.

Apr. 26 (Chris) The Q4 results have been posted on the Checkin tab, but not RamCT yet.

Apr. 26 (Chris) Progress page for next week is posted.

Apr. 22 (Chris) Preliminary testing for P7 is up and running.

Apr. 22 (Chris) P6 grades have been posted on RamCT and the Checkin tab.

Apr. 21 (Chris) P6 can be submitted until 11:59pm, no late penalty.

Apr. 20 (Rahul) Recitation 17 and 18 grades have been posted on RamCT and the Checkin tab.

Apr. 15 (Chris) P5 grades have been posted on RamCT and the Checkin tab.

Apr. 15 (Chris) Preliminary testing for P6 is up and running.

Apr. 14 (Chris) Sorry, the P5 test server was down briefly, now it's up again.

Apr. 13 (Chris) There will not be a late period for P5, new due date is 11:59pm tomorrow.

Apr. 11 (Chris) Preliminary testing for P5 restarted at 6:15pm.

Apr. 8 (Chris) Preliminary testing for P5 is up and running.

Apr. 5 (Chris) Please, no grading complaints on the midterm 2 until you get the exams back.

Apr. 5 (Rahul) Recitation 15, Homework 2 and Midterm 2 are graded and posted.

Apr. 3 (Rahul) Recitation 13, 14 and Homework 1 are graded and posted.

Apr. 2 (Chris) The answer key for R15 is posted on the Programs tab.

Apr. 2 (Chris) Math midterm on Friday, Apr. 4, please bring ID, no calculators!

Mar. 30 (Chris) Math review slides are posted on the Progress tab.

Mar. 14 (Chris) Enjoy your Spring Break everyone!

Mar. 14 (Chris) Math Homework 1 has just been corrected, please get a new copy!

Mar. 14 (Chris) Q3 grades have been posted on RamCT and the Checkin tab.

Mar. 13 (Rahul) Grades for Recitation 10, 11 and 12 are posted on RamCT.

Mar. 12 (Laura) All iClicker grades for peer instruction 1-4 should be posted on RamCT.

Mar. 11 (Chris) Math Homework 1 is posted, it accompanies Math Quiz 3, and both are due Mar. 24.

Mar. 6 (Chris) Due to no help desk this week, the date for checking off R10 and R11 is Mar. 12.

Mar. 5 (Chris) There will be no help desk on Thursday and Friday this week.

Mar. 5 (Rahul) R8 and R9 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Feb. 27 (Chris) The Quiz1/2 grade column has the highest score from Quiz1 or Quiz2, which will no longer be counted individually.

Feb. 25 (Chris) Q2 has been removed from the grade book forever, will discuss tomorrow.

Feb. 24 (Chris) The solutions to Q1 and Q2 are posted on the programs tab.

Feb. 23 (Chris) Please, no grading complaints on the midterm until you get the exams back.

Feb. 23 (Rahul, Noah, Chris) The first midterm is graded and posted, will be handed back on Feb. 26.

Feb. 23 (Chris) The Q2 grades in RamCT are not final yet, which is why they are not visible.

Feb. 22 (Rahul) R7 is graded and posted on RamCT.

Feb. 19 (Chris) As promised, the Programs tab has solutions to P4 and all peer instruction quizzes.

Feb. 18 (Rahul) R5 and R6 are graded and posted on RamCT.

Feb. 18 (Chris) P4 grades are posted in RamCT and on the Checkin tab.

Feb. 17 (Rahul) R4 is graded and posted on RamCT.

Feb. 14 (Chris) P4 testing has been revised to ignore failed moves, except the final test.

Feb. 14 (Chris) I plan to work on resolving student emails and regrade requests over the weekend.

Feb. 14 (Chris) Progress page for next week is posted.

Feb. 12 (Chris) Just released a few fixes and regrades for Q1, on RamCT and Checkin tab.

Feb. 11 (Chris) P3 assignment is graded and posted on RamCT and Checkin tab.

Feb. 10 (Chris) As a result of test server problems, the P3 deadline is now 11:59pm, no late period.

Feb. 10 (Chris) P3 testing hung last night around 10:30pm, I restarted it at 11:00am this morning.

Feb. 9 (Chris) All student requests and emails have been answered, except for a few Q1 regrade requests.

Feb. 8 (Chris) I recommend waiting to start P4 until after R5, unless you're an overachiever.

Feb. 8 (Chris) Automated testing for P4 will not start until Tuesday morning, as usual.

Feb. 8 (Chris) Next week is posted on the progress page, including the P4 assignment.

Feb. 8 (Rahul) R4 and Q1 grades are posted in RamCT and on the Checkin tab.

Feb. 5 (Chris) R1, R2, and R3 grades are posted, and a few P1 scores changed for the better.

Feb. 5 (Laura) Updated Laura's Friday office hours from 2-3 to 10-11.

Feb. 4 (Chris) P2 assignment is graded and posted on RamCT and Checkin tab.

Feb. 4 (Chris) P3 automated testing has been started.

Feb. 3 (Chris) P3 has been posted, the test server will be started tomorrow.

Feb. 3 (Chris) The skiing at Copper Mountain this weekend was superb!

Jan. 28 (Chris) P1 assignment is graded and posted on RamCT and Checkin tab.

Jan. 28 (Chris) P2 test server is up and running.

Jan. 26 (Chris) Lab hours have changed, see syllabus (see entry below).

Jan. 26 (Chris) Sunday evening sessions have not started, but Monday morning hours are posted.

Jan. 24 (Chris) Automated testing has been restarted after system reboots, around 10:45pm.

Jan. 22 (Chris) P1 has now been fixed, please recheck assignment and resubmit before due date.

Jan. 22 (Chris) P1 has some issues that will be resolved by 5pm.

Jan. 22 (Chris) The correct help desk hours are now posted on the syllabus tab.

Jan. 16 (Chris) Due to Martin Luther King Day, labs will start on Jan. 22.

Jan. 15 (Chris) Initial website completed, you can believe most of what you read.

Dec. 30 (Chris) This website is under construction, don't believe anything you read!