Colorado State University

Recitation R7 - Methods and Data Scope
Fall 2013

CS160: Foundations in Programming

The purpose of this lab is to: You are going to write and call 4 simple methods. The point is not to do anything elaborate, but to get you accustomed to the way that methods are written, called, and used.

0. Create new project

  1. Create a new project in Eclipse called R7, and a new class called
  2. You should have a main; for now, don't put anything in it.

1. Create a global variable for pi

  1. Create a variable called pi with the following format:
  2. Use the variable pi inside your main method to check that it can be accessed, but not changed

2. Write a method to calculate the area of a circle

  1. Add a new method called circleArea with the following format:
  2. It has the following conditions:
    Preconditions: Postconditions:

3. Testing a method

Anytime you finish writing a method, you should first test that it works before writing another. We can test circleArea in main by calling it with any value we choose, and comparing its return value with a hand calculated value.
  1. Call circleArea with 2 as its paramater.
  2. Print out the return value of this call in one of two ways:
  3. Do the hand calculation of π*22 (hint: it's 12.56637061435917)
  4. Check to see if the value printed is the same as, or reasonably close to, the hand calculated value?
    - If so, then the method probably works, and you can move on to the next method.
    - If not, then something needs to be fixed.
This is a fine approach to testing methods, however it is recommended that you try it with multiple values, to ensure that it works for not just that number, but a range of numbers as well.

4. Write a method to calculate the circumference of a circle

  1. Add a new method called circleCircumference with the following format:
  2. It has the following conditions:
    Precondition: Postcondition:
  3. Test circlCircumfrence in your main method

5. Write a method to calculate the volume of a sphere

  1. Add a new method called sphereVolume with the following format:
  2. It has the following conditions:
    Preconditions: Postconditions:
  3. Test sphereVolume in your main method

6. Write a method to calculate the area of a triangle

  1. Add a new method called triangleArea with the following format:
  2. It has the following conditions:
    Precondition: Postcondition:
  3. Test triangleArea in your main method

7. Write a method to round a value to the nearest integer value

  1. Add a new method called round with the following format:
  2. It has the following conditions:
    Preconditions: Postconditions:
  3. Use the following technique to round: Math.floor(value + 0.5)
  4. Test round in your main method

Show your program to the TA for grading and submit to RamCT to get credit for this lab.

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