CS157: Intro to C, Part II

Spring 2018


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Searching and Sorting arrays

CS157 Sorting

Searching & Sorting methodologies

Linear Search

The easiest algorithm is a Linear Search:

Linear Search

#define SIZE 7
int arr[SIZE] = {1, 99, 25, 68, 92, 38, 74};
int key = 68;       // searching for this
int where = -1;     // Where we found it
for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
    if (arr[i] == key) {
        where = i;
if (where == -1)
    printf("Sorry, %d not found in list\n", key);
   printf("%d found at position %d\n", key, where);
68 found at position 3

Binary Search

Binary search, on the other hand, is smarter. It takes advantage of the fact that the data that you’re searching is sorted already.

Binary Search

#define SIZE 7
int arr[SIZE] = {1, 25, 38, 68, 74, 92, 99};
int key = 68;       // searching for this
int low=0, mid, high=SIZE-1;
while (low <= high) {
    mid = (low+high) / 2;
    if (arr[mid] == key)
    else if (arr[mid] > key)
        high = mid-1;
        low = mid+1;
if (low <= high)
   printf("%d found at position %d\n", key, mid);
    printf("Sorry, %d not found in list\n", key);
68 found at position 3


Selection Sort

Selection Sort

Original: 3  9  6  1  2 
Smallest unsorted is 1; swap with first unsorted, 3: 1  9  6  3  2 
Smallest unsorted is 2; swap with first unsorted, 9: 1  2  6  3  9 
Smallest unsorted is 3; swap with first unsorted, 6: 1  2  3  6  9 
Smallest unsorted is 6; swap with first unsorted, 6: 1  2  3  6  9 


temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;

Insertion Sort

Insertion Sort

Original:  3    9    6    1    2  
After inserting 9:  3    9    6    1    2  
After inserting 6:  3    6    9    1    2  
After inserting 1:  1    3    6    9    2  
After inserting 2:  1    2    3    6    9  

Comparing Sorts

Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort

Bubbling largest element to the end of the list:

Original:  3    9    6    1    2  
After pass 1:  3    6    1    2    9  
After pass 2:  3    1    2    6    9  
After pass 3:  1    2    3    6    9  
After pass 4:  1    2    3    6    9  

It resembles selection sort, as the largest element travels to the end of the list. However, there’s no explicit selection step.

Bubble Sort

Bubbling smallest element to the front of the list:

Original:  3    9    6    1    2  
After pass 1:  1    3    9    6    2  
After pass 2:  1    2    3    9    6  
After pass 3:  1    2    3    6    9  
After pass 4:  1    2    3    6    9  

Bubble Sort

#define SIZE 7
int arr[SIZE] = {1, 99, 25, 68, 92, 38, 74};

for (int i=1; i<SIZE; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<SIZE-i; j++)
        if (arr[j] > arr[j+1])
            swap(arr, j, j+1);
for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
    printf("%d\n", arr[i]);

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Edit History Source

Modified: 2018-04-16T11:33

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