We are using an online interactive book from zybooks to as the main programming text. Instructions for registering with zybooks are as follows:
- Click on your zyBooks link in your learning management system (Do not go to the zyBooks website and create a new account)
- Subscribe. The bookstore probably provided code for you.
Please register in time to complete the first assignment. It can be found in Canvas.
Additional Readings
On your slides, you will be provided links to online articles. These articles are required readings and fair game on all tests.
Microsoft Teams
We use Microsoft teams extensively in this course for virtual help desks, quick questions, live streams, and even office hours. You can more about student access to teams by going to the ACNS Teams Page.
While not required, we recommend downloading the application, as it runs smoother. To download MS Teams, you click the account icon (top right) after logging into MS Teams, and it gives you the option to download teams both for desktop and mobile.
Recoding Gender
Throughout the first four to eight weeks of the class, we were be talking about history and diversity. Many of the concepts discussed are covered in this book. While we aren’t requiring it, and we will only ask what we cover in lectures - if you want to go more in depth on the topics, this is a great book!
Recoding Gender
Women’s Changing Participation in Computing
by Janet Abbate
ISBN-10: 0262534533
ISBN-13: 978-0262534536
Kindle Edition, Play Books Edition
IntelliJ IDEA (Highly Recommended)
You will also see an application called IntelliJ IDEA on the department machines. To download IntelliJ, you will first want to go here to apply for the free version for students. The java development environment is IntelliJ IDEA. The recommended install from JetBrains is downloading the JetBrains Toolbox and selecting IntelliJ once it is installed. That will keep it updated on your computer and easy to manage other IDEAs from them.
It is highly recommended that you install IntelliJ if your personal system can handle it. After you do that, start a new project, and you can start it from our lecture examples on Github (select version control, git)!
Code Examples (GitHub)
For this course, I have placed the examples used in class in a single public Git repository. You are welcome to download this repository and run the examples for yourself. They can be found in the Example Repository
Or you can clone the repository either via the command line or using your favorite IDE. For the command line code, use the following:
> git clone
Online Java Practice
If you wish to have some online practice examples we recommend
You can also learn about the Java API by reading the Java Doc
Here is a quick Online Tutorial / Book about from tutorials point.
Student Disability Center
We highly encourage students to make use of the SDC, whether they choose to use the provided accommodations or not. Often, we will allow accommodations within our environment, but we need the proper documentation in place to be fair to all students. The choice is always yours as a student to use provided accommodations, but having it already setup is much easier than waiting until later in the semester.
Counseling Services
We encourage students to make use of the University Counseling Services. Just as one takes care of your physical health, you should also take care of your mental health using all tools and means at your disposal. Your student fees provide access to a wide range of mental health support resources at no additional cost. Visit Counseling Services on the 3rd floor of the Health & Medical Center, and they’ll work together with you to find the resources that are best for you.
There are a number of tutoring resources on campus. TILT tutoring provides access to private tutors that can help with CS 150: Culture and Coding (AUCC 3B/GT-AH3). Furthermore, the course TAs will be providing tutoring slots (both group and individual), which are listed on the home page. You should make use of these tutoring sessions. NOTE: some sessions will allow the opportunity for extra credit to help students improve their grade.
Additional Study Resources
TILT offers a range of resources including Liven Up Your Learning and Workshops. These are meant as opportunities to help you become a better student, improving your academic performance overall.
Canvas Information and Technical Support
Canvas is the where course content, grades, and communication will reside for this course.
- Login:
- Support:
- For passwords or any other computer-related technical support, contact the Central IT Technical Support Help Desk.
- (970) 491-7276
The Technical Requirements page identifies the browsers, operating systems, and plugins that work best with Canvas. If you are new to Canvas quickly review the Canvas Student Orientation materials.