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The following schedule is tentative and is being updated.


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 1:
Aug 20, 22
Course overview.
Machine Learning and AI: History and Present Boom
Jupyter notebooks.
JupyterLab Introduction, watch the video then play with jupyter lab.
The Batch from DeepLearning.AI. Yay, Colorado!
What is Data Analysis? How to Visualize Data with Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib & Seaborn Tutorial, by Aakash NS
Not graded: Please fill out this anonymous survey before Thursday class.
Week 2:
Aug 27, 29
Jupyter notebook animations. Optimization algorithms. Simple linear and nonlinear models.


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 3:
Sept 3, 5
Chuck's office hours Thursday will be from 2 to 3:30.
Confidence intervals. Introduction to neural networks.
Week 4:
Sept 10, 12
Design of NeuralNetwork class. Optimizers. Weight Initialization for Deep Learning Neural Networks, by Jason Brownlee
Week 5:
Sept 17, 19
Using optimizers.
Week 6:
Sept 24, 26
Early stopping (new version of optimizers). A3. Introduction to classification.


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 7:
Oct 1, 3
Classification with QDA, LDA, and linear logistic regression.
Week 8:
Oct 8, 10
Classification with Nonlinear Logistic Regression. Introduction to Reinforcement Learning.
Week 9:
Oct 15, 17
Reinforcement learning with Q Function as Neural Network. Learning to play games. Last Week in AI
Geoffrey Hinton: AI Dangers, on 60 Minutes
Week 10:
Oct 22, 24
Modular framework for reinforcement learning. Convolutional Neural Networks.
Week 11:
Oct 29, 31
Ray. Pytorch. Convolutional Neural Networks. President Biden's Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 12:
Nov 5, 7
Convolutional Neural Networks. Ensembles.
Week 13:
Nov 12, 14
Clustering. K-Nearest Neighbors. Jax.
Week 14:
Nov 19, 21
Support Vector Machines. Web Apps with Streamlit. Word Embeddings. ChatGPT generates fake data set to support scientific hypothesis
Fall Break:
Nov 25-29
No classes.


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 15:
Dec 3, 5
Dec 10-12 Final Exam Week No Exams in this course
start.1721682085.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/22 15:01 by anderson