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The following schedule is tentative and is being updated.


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 1:
Aug 20, 22
Course overview.
Machine Learning and AI: History and Present Boom
Jupyter notebooks.
01 Introduction to CS545
01a Simple Animations
02 Searching for Good Weights in a Linear Model
JupyterLab Introduction, watch the video then play with jupyter lab.
What is Data Analysis? How to Visualize Data with Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib & Seaborn Tutorial, by Aakash NS
Not graded: Please fill out this anonymous survey before Thursday class.
Week 2:
Aug 27, 29
Jupyter notebook animations. Optimization algorithms. Simple linear and nonlinear models.


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 3:
Sept 3, 5
Chuck's office hours Thursday will be from 2 to 3:30.
Confidence intervals. Introduction to neural networks.
Week 4:
Sept 10, 12
Design of NeuralNetwork class. Optimizers. Weight Initialization for Deep Learning Neural Networks, by Jason Brownlee
Week 5:
Sept 17, 19
Using optimizers.
Week 6:
Sept 24, 26
Early stopping (new version of optimizers). A3. Introduction to classification.


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 7:
Oct 1, 3
Classification with QDA, LDA, and linear logistic regression.
Week 8:
Oct 8, 10
Classification with Nonlinear Logistic Regression. Introduction to Reinforcement Learning.
Week 9:
Oct 15, 17
Reinforcement learning with Q Function as Neural Network. Learning to play games. Last Week in AI
Geoffrey Hinton: AI Dangers, on 60 Minutes
Week 10:
Oct 22, 24
Modular framework for reinforcement learning. Convolutional Neural Networks.
Week 11:
Oct 29, 31
President Biden's Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 12:
Nov 5, 7
Convolutional Neural Networks.
Week 13:
Nov 12, 14
Ensembles. Mixture of Experts.
Week 14:
Nov 19, 21
Clustering. K-Nearest Neighbors. Web Apps with Streamlit. ChatGPT generates fake data set to support scientific hypothesis
Fall Break:
Nov 25-29
No classes.


Week Topic Lecture Notes Reading Assignments
Week 15:
Dec 3, 5
Word embeddings. Transformers.
Dec 10-12 Final Exam Week No Exams in this course
schedule.1723781979.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/15 22:19 by