Table of Contents

Useful Links

This page will contain links to helpful on-line material.

Jobs in Machine Learning

ML jobs, a few near Fort Collins

Negative posts regarding high-tech jobs:

The Hidden Cost of High Salaries in Tech

Why Developers Leave Google

Google is not just firing employees, it is doing something even worse!

Recent News

Distill, useful explanations of machine learning concepts.

ML News Google Group

Connectionists Mailing List

Towards Data Science, introductions and tutorials related to machine learning

AAAI AI-Alerts

Deep Learning Weekly

Medium: Machine Learning

The Gradient

NeurIPS Conference Videos

Exponential View Newsletter has cool visualizations of data related to many current and future issues, such as environment and energy.

An AI speed test shows clever coders can still beat tech giants like Google and Intel, by James Vincent, May 7, 2018

Last Week in AI

AAAI AI Alerts, newsletter on recent AI news

Deep Learning Weekly newsletter: Check out this Nov, 2019 video by Andrej Karpathy, Head of AI at Tesla, summarizing Tesla's deep learning approach to self-driving cars.

3Blue1Brown great youtube videos on neural networks.

Hot Topics

Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence: Insights from the Science of Consciousness


Scipy Lecture Notes

Numpy Cheat Sheet

Tutorial on using groupby and other functions in pandas.

Pandas Cheat Sheet, very handy two pager.

Neural Networks Tutorial (excellent introduction to neural nets with python and numpy)

Machine Learning with Numpy (very thorough set of jupyter notebooks as tutorials to numpy, pandas, neural networks, and other topics)

Neural Network Tutorial with Numpy

Emacs - the Best Python Editor?

Installing and running python and jupyter notebook on Windows 10


Get started with Jupyter Notebooks in less than 4 minutes

Learn Visual Studio Code in 7min (Official Beginner Tutorial|

Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code Walkthrough

5 things you had no idea you could do with Jupyter Notebooks (in VS Code)

Jupyter Notebook Complete Beginner Guide 2023 - From Jupyter to Jupyterlab, Google Colab and Kaggle, and other videos by Rob Mulla

Visual Studio Code for Data Science

How to Debug Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code




Emacs vs VS Code

Jupyter Notebook

Debugging Jupyter Notebooks Will Boost Your Productivity

Running your jupyter notebook on a remote machine in general; and specifically on our CS department's network of workstations

Spell checking and other extensions

Markdown syntax

A Gallery of Interesting Ipython Notebooks on Github

Nice tutorial from Kaggle on using pandas and seaborn

Visualizations in Python

PyVis A nice overview of visualization packages available in python.


Mathematics for Machine Learning, by Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong.

Use of GPU

JAX installation with Nvidia CUDA and cudNN support help with fixing most common installation errors. Might help with pytorch and tensorflow also.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, by R. Sutton and A. Barto

OpenAI Gym

Data Sources

Public Data Sources

Writing Tips

10 top writing tips and the psychology behind them

Git and GitHub

git/github guide a minimal tutorial

A Quick Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub



Overleaf an on-line Latex service.

Authorea another on-line Latex (and other methods) service.