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Aug 30: The A1grader.tar file in Assignment 1 has been updated

Lecture videos are available from the Canvas site (in the menu on the left) by selecting Echo 360.

To use jupyter notebooks on our CS department machines, you must add this line to your .bashrc file:

export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda/bin:$PATH


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 1:
Aug 21 - Aug 25
What is AI? Promises and fears.
Python review.
Problem-Solving Agents.
01 Introduction to AI
02 Introduction to Python
03 Problem-Solving Agents
Chapters 1, 2, 3.1.
AI, People, and Society, by Eric Horvitz.
Automated Ethics, by Tom Chatfield.
The Great A.I. Awakening, by Gideon Lewis-Krause, NYT, Dec 14, 2016.
"Fundamental Existential Threat": Lawmakers Warned of the Risks of Killer Robots, by Julia Conley
Section 1 of Scipy Lecture Notes
Week 2:
Aug 28 - Sept 1
Problem-solving search and how to measure performance.
Iterative deepening and other uninformed search methods.
04 Measuring Search Performance
05 Iterative Deepening and Other Uninformed Search Methods
06 Python Implementation of Iterative Deepening
Sections 3.1 - 3.4


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 3:
Sept 4 - Sept 8
Informed search. A* search. Python classes, sorting, numpy arrays. Rest of Chapter 3 A1 Uninformed Search due Tuesday, September 5th, at 10:00 PM.
Week 4:
Sept 11 - Sept 15
A* optimality, admissible heuristics, effective branching factor.
Local search and optimization.
Chapter 4
Week 5:
Sept 18 - Sept 22
Adversarial search. Minimax. Alpha-beta pruning. Negamax, with pruning. Chapter 5
Week 6:
Sept 25 - Sept 29
Stochastic games. Expectimax. Sections 5.5 - 5.6


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 7:
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Week 8:
Oct 9 - Oct 13
Week 9:
Oct 16 - Oct 20
Week 10:
Oct 23 - Oct 27
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning. Chapter 21
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 11:
Oct 30 - Nov 3
Week 12:
Nov 6 - Nov 10
Week 13:
Nov 13 - Nov 17
Nov 20 - Nov 24 Fall Break
Week 14:
Nov 27 - Dec 1
Constraint satisfaction. Min-conflicts Chapter 6.
A new iterated local search algorithm for solving broadcast scheduling problems in packet radio networks


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 15:
Dec 4 - Dec 8
Propositional and First-Order Logic. Introduction to Prolog. Chapters 7, 8, 9
Finals Week:
Dec 11 - Dec 15
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