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Table of Contents



Here is a link to all of our lecture video recordings.


Week Topic Material Reading Assignments
Week 1:
Jan 17 - Jan 20
Overview. Intro to machine learning. Python. 01 Course Overview,
02 Matrices and Plotting,
The Great A.I. Awakening, by Gideon Lewis-Krause, NYT, Dec 14, 2016.
Section 1 of Scipy Lecture Notes
Week 2:
Jan 23 - Jan 27
Probability distributions and regression. 03 Linear Regression,
04 Gaussian Distributions,
05 Fitting Gaussians,
06 Probabilistic Linear Regression
A1 Linear Regression due Friday, January 27th at 10:00 PM.
start.1484868415.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/19 16:26 by anderson