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useful_links [2016/01/28 09:35]
useful_links [2018/08/27 13:10] (current)
anderson [Python]
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 This page will contain links to helpful on-line material. This page will contain links to helpful on-line material.
 +===== Recent News =====
 +[[|The State of Artificial Intelligence in 15 Visuals]]
 +[[!forum/jupyter|Ipython Notebook (Jupyter) google group]]
 ===== Python ===== ===== Python =====
Line 7: Line 16:
 [[|Scipy Lecture Notes]] [[|Scipy Lecture Notes]]
-===== Notebook =====+[[|Numpy Cheat Sheet]] 
 +[[|Emacs - the Best Python Editor?]] 
 +Tips on how to make [[|pretty matplotlib graphs]] 
 +===== Python Debugging ===== 
 +[[|Debugging in ipython]] 
 +[[|Debugging in Spyder]] 
 +[[|Debugging in Pycharm]] 
 +===== Jupyter Notebook ====== 
 +[[|Jupyter Notebook Tips and Tricks]] 
 +===== Reinforcement Learning =====
-[[|Markdown syntax]]+[[|OpenAI Gym]]
-===== Current News in Machine Learning ===== 
-[[!forum/ml-news|Machine Learning News google group]] 
-[[|Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search]] 
useful_links.1453998901.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 09:35 by anderson